thats index.php file,
$store_id = $banner['b_id'];
$text .= '<div class="ad-banner b-class-'. $banner['b_id'] .'" style="float:left;clear:both;';[/b]
if($banner['b_size_x'] <> '') { $text .= 'width:' . $banner['b_size_x'] . ';'; }
if($banner['b_size_y'] <> '') { $text .= 'height:' . $banner['b_size_y'] . ';'; }
$text .= '">';
banner for desktop view doesnt fits in responsive view, therefore, am trying to disable banner in responsive view, below 768 pixel- display none,
Use <style></style>
if i puts display none in index.php then for both view, it will get disable, its complicated to put php media condition.

ad-banner b-class-1
"ad-banner b-class-2