<?php if ( ! defined( 'ABS_PATH' ) ) {
exit( 'ABS_PATH is not loaded. Direct access is not allowed.' );
* Copyright 2020 OsclassPoint.com
* Osclass maintained & developed by OsclassPoint.com
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may download copy of Osclass at
* https://osclass-classifieds.com/download
* Software is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* Class UserActions
Class UserActions
public $is_admin;
public $manager;
* UserActions constructor.
* @param $is_admin
public function __construct( $is_admin )
$this->is_admin = $is_admin;
$this->manager = User::newInstance();
* @return int
public function add()
$error = array();
$flash_error = '';
if ( ( osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' ) && ! $this->is_admin && ! osc_check_recaptcha() ) {
$flash_error .= _m( 'The reCAPTCHA was not entered correctly' ) . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 4;
if( Params::getParam('s_password', false, false) == '' ) {
$flash_error .= _m('The password cannot be empty') . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 6;
if( Params::getParam('s_password', false, false) != Params::getParam('s_password2', false, false) ) {
$flash_error .= _m("Passwords don't match") . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 7;
$input = $this->prepareData(true);
if( $input['s_name']=='' ) {
$flash_error .= _m('The name cannot be empty') . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 10;
if( !osc_validate_email($input['s_email']) ) {
$flash_error .= _m('The email is not valid') . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 5;
$email_taken = $this->manager->findByEmail($input['s_email']);
if( $email_taken != false ) {
osc_run_hook('register_email_taken', $input['s_email']);
$flash_error .= _m('The specified e-mail is already in use') . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 3;
if($input['s_username']!='') {
$username_taken = $this->manager->findByUsername($input['s_username']);
if( !$error && $username_taken != false ) {
$flash_error .= _m( 'Username is already taken' ) . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 8;
if(osc_is_username_blacklisted($input['s_username'])) {
$flash_error .= _m( 'The specified username is not valid, it contains some invalid words' ) . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 9;
$flash_error = osc_apply_filter('user_add_flash_error', $flash_error);
if($flash_error!='') {
Session::newInstance()->_setForm('user_s_name', $input['s_name']);
Session::newInstance()->_setForm('user_s_username', $input['s_username']);
Session::newInstance()->_setForm('user_s_email', $input['s_email']);
Session::newInstance()->_setForm('user_s_phone_land', $input['s_phone_land']);
Session::newInstance()->_setForm('user_s_phone_mobile', $input['s_phone_mobile']);
osc_run_hook('user_register_failed', $error);
return $flash_error;
// hook pre add or edit
$userId = $this->manager->dao->insertedId();
if($input['s_username']=='') {
array('s_username' => $userId)
,array('pk_i_id' => $userId)
if ( is_array( Params::getParam('s_info') ) ) {
$pinfo = (osc_tinymce_users_enabled() == '1' ? Params::getParam('s_info', false, false) : Params::getParam('s_info')); // update 420
foreach ($pinfo as $key => $value) {
$this->manager->updateDescription($userId, $key, $value);
Log::newInstance()->insertLog('user', $this->is_admin ? 'add' : 'register', $userId, $input['s_email'], $this->is_admin ? 'admin' : 'user', $this->is_admin ? osc_logged_admin_id() : $userId);
$user = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey($userId);
if( osc_notify_new_user() && !$this->is_admin ) {
osc_run_hook('hook_email_admin_new_user', $user);
if( osc_user_validation_enabled() && !$this->is_admin ) {
osc_run_hook('hook_email_user_validation', $user, $input);
$success = 1;
} else {
array('b_active' => '1')
,array('pk_i_id' => $userId)
// update items with s_contact_email the same as new user email
$items_updated = Item::newInstance()->update(array('fk_i_user_id' => $userId, 's_contact_name' => $input['s_name']), array('s_contact_email' => $input['s_email']) );
if($items_updated!==false && $items_updated>0) {
User::newInstance()->update('i_items = i_items + '. (int)$items_updated, array('pk_i_id' => $userId) );
// update alerts user id with the same email
Alerts::newInstance()->update(array('fk_i_user_id' => $userId), array('s_email' => $input['s_email']));
$success = 2;
osc_run_hook('user_register_completed', $userId);
return $success;
* @param $userId
* @return int
public function edit( $userId )
$input = $this->prepareData(false);
// hook pre add or edit
$flash_error = '';
$error = array();
if($this->is_admin) {
$user_email = $this->manager->findByEmail($input['s_email']);
if(isset($user_email['pk_i_id']) && $user_email['pk_i_id']!=$userId) {
$flash_error .= sprintf(_m('The specified e-mail is already used by %s') , $user_email['s_username']) . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 3;
if($input['s_name']=='') {
$flash_error .= _m('The name cannot be empty').PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 10;
if( Params::getParam('s_password', false, false) != Params::getParam('s_password2', false, false) ) {
$flash_error .= _m("Passwords don't match") . PHP_EOL;
$error[] = 7;
$flash_error = osc_apply_filter('user_edit_flash_error', $flash_error, $userId);
if($flash_error!='') {
return $flash_error;
$this->manager->update($input, array('pk_i_id' => $userId));
if($this->is_admin) {
Item::newInstance()->update( array('s_contact_name' => $input['s_name'], 's_contact_email' => $input['s_email']), array('fk_i_user_id' => $userId) );
ItemComment::newInstance()->update( array('s_author_name' => $input['s_name'], 's_author_email' => $input['s_email']), array('fk_i_user_id' => $userId) );
Alerts::newInstance()->update( array('s_email' => $input['s_email']), array('fk_i_user_id' => $userId) );
Log::newInstance()->insertLog( 'user', 'edit', $userId, $input['s_email'], $this->is_admin ? 'admin' : 'user', $this->is_admin ? osc_logged_admin_id() : osc_logged_user_id() );
} else {
Item::newInstance()->update( array('s_contact_name' => $input['s_name']), array('fk_i_user_id' => $userId) );
ItemComment::newInstance()->update( array('s_author_name' => $input['s_name']), array('fk_i_user_id' => $userId) );
$user = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey($userId);
Log::newInstance()->insertLog('user', 'edit', $userId, $user['s_email'], $this->is_admin ? 'admin' : 'user', $this->is_admin ? osc_logged_admin_id() : osc_logged_user_id() );
if(!$this->is_admin) {
Session::newInstance()->_set('userName', $input['s_name']);
$phone = $input[ 's_phone_mobile' ] ?: $input[ 's_phone_land' ];
Session::newInstance()->_set('userPhone', $phone);
if ( is_array( Params::getParam('s_info') ) ) {
$pinfo = (osc_tinymce_users_enabled() == '1' ? Params::getParam('s_info', false, false) : Params::getParam('s_info')); // update 420
foreach ($pinfo as $key => $value) {
$this->manager->updateDescription($userId, $key, $value);
osc_run_hook('user_edit_completed', $userId);
if ( $this->is_admin ) {
$iUpdated = 0;
if( ( Params::getParam( 'b_enabled' ) != '') && ( Params::getParam( 'b_enabled' ) == 1 ) ) {
$iUpdated += $this->manager->update( array('b_enabled' => 1), array('pk_i_id' => $userId) );
} else {
$iUpdated += $this->manager->update( array('b_enabled' => 0), array('pk_i_id' => $userId) );
if( ( Params::getParam( 'b_active' ) != '') && ( Params::getParam( 'b_active' ) == 1) ) {
$iUpdated += $this->manager->update( array('b_active' => 1), array('pk_i_id' => $userId) );
} else {
$iUpdated += $this->manager->update( array('b_active' => 0), array('pk_i_id' => $userId) );
if($iUpdated > 0) {
return 2;
return 1;
* @return int
public function recover_password()
$user = User::newInstance()->findByEmail( Params::getParam('s_email') );
Session::newInstance()->_set( 'recover_time', time() );
if ( ( osc_recaptcha_private_key() != '' ) && Session::newInstance()->_get( 'recover_captcha_not_set' ) != 1 && ! osc_check_recaptcha() ) {
if( !$user || ($user['b_enabled'] == 0) ) {
return 1;
$code = osc_genRandomPassword(30);
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
array('s_pass_code' => $code, 's_pass_date' => $date, 's_pass_ip' => Params::getServerParam('REMOTE_ADDR')),
array('pk_i_id' => $user['pk_i_id'])
$password_url = osc_forgot_user_password_confirm_url($user['pk_i_id'], $code);
osc_run_hook('hook_email_user_forgot_password', $user, $password_url);
return 0;
* @param $is_add
* @return array
public function prepareData( $is_add )
$input = array();
if ( $is_add ) {
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$input['dt_reg_date'] = $date;
$input['dt_mod_date'] = $date;
$input['dt_access_date'] = $date;
$input['s_secret'] = osc_genRandomPassword();
$input['s_access_ip'] = Params::getServerParam('REMOTE_ADDR');
} else {
$input['dt_mod_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//only for administration, in the public website this two params are edited separately
if ( $this->is_admin || $is_add ) {
$input['s_email'] = Params::getParam('s_email');
//if we want to change the password
if( Params::getParam('s_password', false, false) != '') {
$input['s_password'] = osc_hash_password(Params::getParam('s_password', false, false));
$input['s_username'] = osc_sanitize_username(Params::getParam('s_username'));
$input['s_name'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_name'));
$input['s_website'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_website'));
$input['s_phone_land'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_phone_land'));
$input['s_phone_mobile'] = trim(Params::getParam('s_phone_mobile'));
if (stripos($input['s_website'], 'http' ) !== 0) {
$input['s_website'] = 'http://'.$input['s_website'];
$input['s_website'] = osc_sanitize_url($input['s_website']);
if (osc_validate_url($input['s_website']) === false) { // url is not valid, update 321
$input[ 's_website' ] = '';
$country = Country::newInstance()->findByCode( Params::getParam('countryId') );
if(count($country) <= 0) {
$country = Country::newInstance()->findByName( Params::getParam('country') );
if(count($country) > 0) {
$countryId = $country['pk_c_code'];
$countryName = $country['s_name'];
$countryNameNative = $country['s_name_native'];
} else {
$countryId = null;
$countryName = Params::getParam('country');
$countryNameNative = null;
if ( (int) Params::getParam( 'regionId' ) > 0 ) {
$region = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( Params::getParam('regionId') );
} else {
$region = Region::newInstance()->findByName( Params::getParam('region'), Params::getParam('countryId') );
if( count($region) > 0 ) {
$regionId = $region['pk_i_id'];
$regionName = $region['s_name'];
$regionNameNative = $region['s_name_native'];
} else {
$regionId = null;
$regionName = Params::getParam('region');
$regionNameNative = null;
if ( (int) Params::getParam( 'cityId' ) > 0 ) {
$city = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( Params::getParam('cityId') );
} else {
$city = City::newInstance()->findByName( Params::getParam('city'), Params::getParam('regionId') );
if( count($city) > 0 ) {
$cityId = $city['pk_i_id'];
$cityName = $city['s_name'];
$cityNameNative = $city['s_name_native'];
} else {
$cityId = null;
$cityName = Params::getParam('city');
$cityNameNative = null;
$input['fk_c_country_code'] = $countryId;
$input['s_country'] = $countryName;
$input['s_country_native'] = $countryNameNative;
$input['fk_i_region_id'] = $regionId;
$input['s_region'] = $regionName;
$input['s_region_native'] = $regionNameNative;
$input['fk_i_city_id'] = $cityId;
$input['s_city'] = $cityName;
$input['s_city_native'] = $cityNameNative;
$input['s_city_area'] = Params::getParam('cityArea');
$input['s_address'] = Params::getParam('address');
$input['s_zip'] = Params::getParam('zip');
$input['d_coord_lat'] = (Params::getParam('d_coord_lat') != '') ? Params::getParam('d_coord_lat') : @$city['d_coord_lat']; // maybe $city['d_coord_lat'] does not exists
$input['d_coord_long'] = (Params::getParam('d_coord_long') != '') ? Params::getParam('d_coord_long') : @$city['d_coord_long'];
$input['b_company'] = (Params::getParam('b_company') != '' && Params::getParam('b_company') != 0) ? 1 : 0;
return $input;
* @param $user_id
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function activate( $user_id )
$user = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey($user_id);
if( !$user ) {
return false;
$this->manager->update( array('b_active' => 1), array('pk_i_id' => $user_id) );
if( !$this->is_admin ) {
osc_run_hook('hook_email_admin_new_user', $user);
Log::newInstance()->insertLog('user', 'activate', $user_id, $user['s_email'], $this->is_admin ? 'admin' : 'user', $this->is_admin ? osc_logged_admin_id() : osc_logged_user_id() );
if( $user['b_enabled'] == 1 ) {
$mItem = new ItemActions(true);
$items = Item::newInstance()->findByUserID($user_id);
foreach($items as $item) {
// update items with s_contact_email the same as new user email
$items_updated = Item::newInstance()->update(array('fk_i_user_id' => $user_id, 's_contact_name' => $user['s_name']), array('s_contact_email' => $user['s_email']) );
if($items_updated!==false && $items_updated>0) {
User::newInstance()->update('i_items = i_items + '. (int)$items_updated, array('pk_i_id' => $user_id));
// update alerts user id with the same email
Alerts::newInstance()->update(array('fk_i_user_id' => $user_id), array('s_email' => $user['s_email']));
osc_run_hook('activate_user', $user);
return true;
* @param $user_id
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function deactivate( $user_id )
$user = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey($user_id);
if( !$user ) {
return false;
$this->manager->update( array('b_active' => 0), array('pk_i_id' => $user_id) );
Log::newInstance()->insertLog('user', 'deactivate', $user_id, $user['s_email'], $this->is_admin ? 'admin' : 'user', $this->is_admin ? osc_logged_admin_id() : osc_logged_user_id() );
if( $user['b_enabled'] == 1 ) {
$mItem = new ItemActions(true);
$items = Item::newInstance()->findByUserID($user_id);
foreach($items as $item) {
osc_run_hook('deactivate_user', $user);
return true;
* @param $user_id
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function enable( $user_id )
$user = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey($user_id);
if( !$user ) {
return false;
$this->manager->update( array('b_enabled' => 1), array('pk_i_id' => $user_id) );
Log::newInstance()->insertLog('user', 'enable', $user_id, $user['s_email'], $this->is_admin ? 'admin' : 'user', $this->is_admin ? osc_logged_admin_id() : osc_logged_user_id() );
if( $user['b_active'] == 1 ) {
$mItem = new ItemActions(true);
$items = Item::newInstance()->findByUserID($user_id);
foreach($items as $item) {
osc_run_hook('enable_user', $user);
return true;
* @param $user_id
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
public function disable( $user_id )
$user = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey($user_id);
if( !$user ) {
return false;
$this->manager->update( array('b_enabled' => 0), array('pk_i_id' => $user_id) );
Log::newInstance()->insertLog('user', 'disable', $user_id, $user['s_email'], $this->is_admin ? 'admin' : 'user', $this->is_admin ? osc_logged_admin_id() : osc_logged_user_id());
if( $user['b_active'] == 1 ) {
$mItem = new ItemActions(true);
$items = Item::newInstance()->findByUserID($user_id);
foreach($items as $item) {
osc_run_hook('disable_user', $user);
return true;
* @param $user_id
* @return int
public function resend_activation( $user_id )
$user = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey($user_id);
$input['s_secret'] = $user['s_secret'];
if( !$user || $user['b_active']==1) {
return 0;
if( osc_user_validation_enabled() ) {
osc_run_hook('hook_email_user_validation', $user, $input);
return 1;
return 0;
* @param $user_id
* @return int
public function bootstrap_login( $user_id )
$user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( $user_id );
if( !$user ) {
return 0;
if( !$user['b_active'] ) {
return 1;
if( !$user['b_enabled'] ) {
return 2;
//we are logged in... let's go!
Session::newInstance()->_set('userId', $user['pk_i_id']);
Session::newInstance()->_set('userName', $user['s_name']);
Session::newInstance()->_set('userEmail', $user['s_email']);
$phone = $user[ 's_phone_mobile' ] ?: $user[ 's_phone_land' ];
Session::newInstance()->_set('userPhone', $phone);
return 3;
Here is the code, can you help me figure out what to change? thank you in advance