hello,feedback_list is is becoming very large, can't scroll,<?php echo show_feedback_list(); ?>how will i , stop that, how to show 1,2,3 just like that option, if feedback list is becoming very large,,Feedback given to user russia
<?phppublic function getFeedbackByUserId($user_id, $active) {$this->dao->select('s.*, u.s_name as user_name');$this->dao->from( $this->getTable_UserBO() . ' s, ' . $this->getTable_User() . ' u' );$this->dao->where( 's.user_id = u.pk_i_id' );$this->dao->where( 's.active', $active );if($user_id <> '' and $user_id <> 0) {$this->dao->where( 's.user_id', $user_id );}$this->dao->orderBy('s.pub_date DESC');$result = $this->dao->get();if( !$result ) { return array(); }$prepare = $result->result();return $prepare;}?>
<?phppublic function getFeedbackByUserId($user_id, $active, $limit = 5) {$this->dao->select('s.*, u.s_name as user_name');$this->dao->from( $this->getTable_UserBO() . ' s, ' . $this->getTable_User() . ' u' );$this->dao->where( 's.user_id = u.pk_i_id' );$this->dao->where( 's.active', $active );if($user_id <> '' and $user_id <> 0) {$this->dao->where( 's.user_id', $user_id );}$this->dao->orderBy('s.pub_date DESC');$this->dao->limit( $limit );$result = $this->dao->get();if( !$result ) { return array(); }$prepare = $result->result();return $prepare;}?>
<?php $feedback = ModelFB::newInstance()->getFeedbackByUserId($user_id, 1);?>
<?php $feedback = ModelFB::newInstance()->getFeedbackByUserId($user_id, 1, $limit );?>
<?php function show_feedback_list () {include_once ABS_PATH . 'oc-content/plugins/backoffice_manager/form/form_feedback_list.php';}?>
<?php function show_feedback_list ($limit = 5) {include_once ABS_PATH . 'oc-content/plugins/backoffice_manager/form/form_feedback_list.php';}?>
<?php echo show_feedback_list(); ?>
<?php echo show_feedback_list(3); ?>