can you help me a little?
Where can I see an example implementation?
How can I correctly make a drop-down item with a choice of languages in the main menu from this code
<div class="langs">
<?php if ( osc_count_web_enabled_locales() > 1) { ?>
<?php $current_locale = mb_get_current_user_locale(); ?>
<?php osc_goto_first_locale(); ?>
<?php while ( osc_has_web_enabled_locales() ) { ?>
<a class="lnk lang <?php if (osc_locale_code() == $current_locale['pk_c_code']) { ?>active<?php } ?>" href="<?php echo osc_change_language_url(osc_locale_code()); ?>"><img src="<?php echo osc_current_web_theme_url();?>images/country_flags/large/<?php echo strtolower(substr(osc_locale_code(), 3)); ?>.png" alt="<?php _e('Country flag', 'beta');?>" /><span><?php echo osc_locale_name(); ?>‎</span></a>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>