i wait MB theme update this plugin so long, now i buy plugin and i want to add new 3 class in div for make Header f home page or categories and search page, let's say
- now blog already have <div class="blg-row blg-first"> class for latest article and i want to add
- class="blg-row blg-Second"
-class="blg-row blg-third"
- class="blg-row blg-four"
how to add 3 style to <div class="blg-row blg">
if(count($blogs) > 0) {
$i = 1;
foreach($blogs as $blog) {
$limit = ($i == 1 ? 210 : 140);
$class = ($i == 1 ? 'blg-first' : '');
blg_article($blog, $class, $limit);
} else {
echo '<div class="blg-row blg-empty blg-empty-latest">' . __('There are no articles yet', 'blog') . '</div>';