1. The profile picture, the user type icon, and the verification doesn't show on the mobile version of the business profile, only the cover photo is visible on mobile.
2. The show on map function is not working, if you click show store on the map, the cover photo doesn't show the map as was stated in the product description and demo version.
3. There's no option to share your business profile.
4. There's no option to follow business (just like the following feature in the user-item profile - follow plugin)
5. There's no option to contact businesses on WhatsApp (The WhatsApp plugin doesn't work on business profiles).
6. There's a need to add a button to share the store link, contact the store, and follow the store on the home page/companies block.
7. There is a need to add a rating/review or user feedback on business profiles.
If you have a profound solution to any of the above-listed issues, kindly drop a detailed guide.
While we wait for the developers to bring improvement in the next update.
Note: Screenshots attached as a specimen