I want to remove regions in item. I want to show only cities and maybe country.This code is only for item in search page and item page:
Could you help me to change that code:
<div class="extra isList">
<?php if(del_item_location(false, true) <> '') { ?>
<span class="location"><i class="fas fa-map-marked-alt"></i> <?php echo __('Located:', 'delta'); ?> <strong><?php echo del_item_location(false, true); ?></strong></span>
<?php } ?>
https://prnt.sc/dq-vM1G8_rY8also i need to disable contact seller on item page too, but i cant find the code location:
<div id="item-summary" class="isMobile c3 shown __web-inspector-hide-shortcut__" style="display: block; bottom: 8px; opacity: 1;">
https://prnt.sc/lMf0WgquDUxFThanks for your priceless help