There's a nice window in the delta theme on the home page which allows users to search for some city -- they simply select the city/region box and start typing. This window works just fine, i.e. when I search for śliwno , the popup with Śliwno appears and I can select it and the seach page with this city loads. It also react for the sliwno phrase which also shows Śliwno in the popup.
There's similar search box for region/cities on the publish ad page. So I select the region, the city filter box shows now cites, I type śliwno and nothing appears in the city filter. But when I type liwno without the Polish ś, the box shows Śliwno in the filter. It looks like the phrase sliwno also works here.
It looks like the two search city/region mechanisms use different semantics for returning results. So how to fix the publish page city/region search so it behaved the way the search city/region box on home page does?