I use the Ultimate Payment Plugin.
In order for the highlighted articles to be displayed, 2 files must be expanded. Has anyone done this themselves and could they provide me with the two files for this purpose?
Apparently the files search_list.php and search_gallery.php are not used in this theme. Or does the code then have to be used in 2 other files?
Many thanks for your help.
Setting highlighting Need small modifictions of theme files. Need add two HTML "id" tag with PHP code in search files.
Open these 2 files in your template:loop-single.php, loop-single-premium.php( or search_list.php and search_gallery.php)
In default theme Bender and in some other themes, files named:loop-single.php, loop-single-premium.php
In Modern theme and in some other themes, files named:search_list.php, search_gallery.php
First "id" ( or "class") for premium items id="<?php if(function_exists('upayments_premium_get_class_color')){echo upayments_premium_get_class_color(osc_premium_id()); } ?>"
Second "id" ( or "class") for items id="<?php if(function_exists('upayments_get_class_color')){echo upayments_get_class_color(osc_item_id()); } ?>"
In Highlighted ads will be shown - id = "colorized", normal - id = "normal". Items with id = "colorized" will have a Highlighted color background
Example, for the Bender theme:
File loop-single.php - 2-line :
<li class = "listing-card <?php echo $class; if(osc_item_is_premium()){echo 'premium';}?>" id="<?php if(function_exists('upayments_get_class_color')){echo upayments_get_class_color(osc_item_id());} ?>">
File loop-single-premium.php :
<li class = "listing-card <?php echo $class; if(osc_item_is_premium()){echo 'premium';}?>" id="<?php if(function_exists('upayments_premium_get_class_color')){echo upayments_premium_get_class_color(osc_premium_id());} ?>">
Modified files for Modern and Bender(for examples) in /oc-content/plugins/ultimatePayments/examples.