I noticed an issue with favicons when we use child themes.
Right now, the favicons are loaded from main/parent theme; in case of an upgrade of theme the new favicons will overwride the custom ones, and I need to put my own favicons once again in that folder
I use child theme in order to have custom modifications, but the problem is on head-favicon.php which don't know to look for icons on child (current) theme, in fact it look on parent. Example:
$path = osc_base_path() . 'oc-content/themes/epsilon/images/favicons/';
$url = osc_base_url() . 'oc-content/themes/epsilon/images/favicons/';
Also I have some customizations on functions.php copied into child_theme, which also I guess the bellow function should call the right (child theme) modified functions.php:
require_once ABS_PATH . 'oc-content/themes/epsilon/functions.php';
Same thing I observed also at Gamma theme.
Right now I put an sticky note for myself to take care about this at next upgrade but will be nice if back-end team will take into consideration to adjust the file so for the future to forget about this.
Like instead "epsilon" to have an variable like "$_current_theme".
thank you !