You will not be able to fix madhouse avatar, it use variables in redirect uri (scope) that make it impossible to set in application.
I've tried many combinations for redirect uri from Facebook Login plugin and did not succeed (using latest facebook graph sdk).
I am not sure if it is issue of app, but when I put:
https://osclasspoint.com/?fbLogin=1&scope=public_profile,emailinto allowed domains and then at bottom test this URL if it is valid, I get confirmation URL is valid, but there might be problem that:
- url in redirect uri is encoded (you cannot change)
- url in facebook app convert sign "," into url encoded
You may try to update
$permissions = ["public_profile", "email"];
with just:
$permissions = ["email"];
There will be no "," in url, then set in your fb app into allowed domains:
https://your_url.com/?fbLogin=1&scope=emailMaybe it will work, but not sure what kind of information provides fb api back to server.