Less codes
removed data-item-id="' . $item_id . '" from svg code
$icon = '<svg id="outline' . $item_id . '" height="20" viewBox="0 -20 480 480" width="20" xmlns="
http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m348 0c-43 .0664062-83.28125 21.039062-108 56.222656-24.71875-35.183594-65-56.1562498-108-56.222656-70.320312 0-132 65.425781-132 140 0 72.679688 41.039062 147.535156 118.6875 216.480469 35.976562 31.882812 75.441406 59.597656 117.640625 82.625 2.304687 1.1875 5.039063 1.1875 7.34375 0 42.183594-23.027344 81.636719-50.746094 117.601563-82.625 77.6875-68.945313 118.726562-143.800781 118.726562-216.480469 0-74.574219-61.679688-140-132-140zm-108 422.902344c-29.382812-16.214844-224-129.496094-224-282.902344 0-66.054688 54.199219-124 116-124 41.867188.074219 80.460938 22.660156 101.03125 59.128906 1.539062 2.351563 4.160156 3.765625 6.96875 3.765625s5.429688-1.414062 6.96875-3.765625c20.570312-36.46875 59.164062-59.054687 101.03125-59.128906 61.800781 0 116 57.945312 116 124 0 153.40625-194.617188 266.6875-224 282.902344zm0 0"/></svg>
<svg id="filled' . $item_id . '" display="none" height="20" viewBox="0 -21 448 448" width="20" fill="#ff6243" xmlns="
http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m224 406.902344c29.382812-16.214844 224-129.496094 224-282.902344 0-66.054688-54.199219-124-116-124-41.867188.0742188-80.460938 22.660156-101.03125 59.128906-1.539062 2.351563-4.160156 3.765625-6.96875 3.765625s-5.429688-1.414062-6.96875-3.765625c-20.570312-36.46875-59.164062-59.0546872-101.03125-59.128906-61.800781 0-116 57.945312-116 124 0 153.40625 194.617188 266.6875 224 282.902344zm0 0"/></svg>';
and in java as far as im using favorite count
i removed this code
var itemId = $(this).attr('data-item-id');
$('#outline' + itemId).toggle();
$('#filled' + itemId).toggle();
and i have added 2 lines inside
favorite count code so it looks like this now
var itemId = $(this).attr('data-item-id');
var favCount = $(this).attr('data-favo');
if( $(this).attr('href') != '' ) {
window.location.href = $(this).attr('href');
} else {
$(this).attr('href', favCount);
url: baseAjaxUrl + "&ajaxFavoClick=1&itemId=" + itemId,
type: "GET",
success: function(response){
var itemId = $(this).attr('data-item-id');
var favCount = $(this).attr('data-favo');
$('#outline' + itemId).toggle();
$('#filled' + itemId).toggle();
if( $(this).attr('href') != '' ) {
window.location.href = $(this).attr('href');
} else {
$(this).attr('href', favCount);
url: baseAjaxUrl + "&ajaxFavoClick=1&itemId=" + itemId,
type: "GET",
success: function(response){