@mwindeyPlease read again my first post, but try to do it slowly this time.
My topic is
strictly related to one incomplete functionality that's
already in the core:
comment ratings.
If you go into
Settings > Comments and click on
Enable ratings on comments, then people will be able to add ratings to their comments.
Basically, it turns the comment area into a review area also (hybrid system = review & comment).
So, the way it works right now, allows registered users to rate 100 times the same item with either 5 stars or 1 star.
Does this sound ok to you?
Now I don't want to get more technical with you, but in short, there's a function
osc_count_item_comments_rating(); that counts the ratings and lets you output them in different places (like Google snippets etc.).
If you don't prevent people from rating 1 item, multiple times, then you'll have some big issues. Like for example, an idiot adding 1-star rating to a rival users' listing, just to destroy it's image...
Again, my post has nothing to do with the
comments system, which will work like before. You'll be able to post comments, but not double-rate a listing.
I hope it's clear now.