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Better permalinks for region and cities
« on: May 23, 2021, 04:09:45 AM »

In the next version, is it possible make the permalinks for regions and cities better so that the region/city codes are not necessary in in the links, like:

website.com/something-for-sale/california_r1478883 to website.com/something-for-sale/california or website.com/something-for-sale/california_region and similar for cities website.com/something-for-sale/los-angeles_city

This is important (not talking from the SEO standpoint) so it is easier to create external page links - instead of looking for region and city codes for every link that we need to create on some page, we can just link website.com/some-thing-for-sale/ANYREGION




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Re: Better permalinks for region and cities
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2021, 01:12:32 AM »
I think this is already available since ages in Osclass.

But SEO is overrated, work with your site to promote it. INSITE SEO (this is what you talk about) only will not bring traffic. Bring VOTES (backlinks) TO your site.



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Re: Better permalinks for region and cities
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2021, 02:38:50 AM »

I don't think you understood my message or may be did not read it properly -  with permalinks I am talking about "region & city pages" so they don't need to have region/city codes at the end of the URL and I am not talking about permalinks for individual listing pages. Also, I mentioned that I was not talking from SEO standpoint but with regards to being able to create any region/city link easily without having to know or lookup for each region/city id or code at the end of the URL.


MB Themes

Re: Better permalinks for region and cities
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2021, 12:56:45 PM »
As example, US has 14 cities with name "Bremen".
That should be answer.
Term "friendly" is never meant friendly for user, but friendly for search engines. User would never keep in mind link to category & region, you have bookmarks for that in browser.
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Re: Better permalinks for region and cities
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2021, 01:02:52 AM »
Thanks for your reply but want to clarify a few things.

1) to solve multiple cities with the same name, it could be done by creating cities based on their region e.g. website.com/ads/california/los-angeles - or even better website.com/ads/los-angeles_california - so in the link we provide a region name first and then look up in the database for the city matching that region and this way you don't need those codes at the end. That is how most other listing scripts work - no one uses these city codes at the end.  Since no region/state has more than one city with the same name, it will solve the issue of multiple cities with same names when we use region first and then look for city in that region.

2) I understand the bookmarking thing but say I want to create a page on my website with some links to major cities - then it is hard to lookup/create links based on city id's (that is what I meant when I posted the original message).  Also, say I want to ask another website to create some links to my website - then they can just link to my pages easily.

3) 99% of people in the US would not know or never heard of a city named "Brennan" or thousand of small towns that are in the database and more importantly 99% ads posted will never use these cities (they are not cities but small towns and villages). These are such small towns and frankly they should not be in the database (as a selection but may be user can input the name of the town).  Even for those who want to keep all these small towns, #1 above will solve that issue.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2021, 01:06:07 AM by osclassic »


MB Themes

Re: Better permalinks for region and cities
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2021, 09:33:41 AM »
There still can be multiple cities in same region and as having or not having ID at the end of URL has basically no benefit / no difference, and such change would negatively impact sites runing on osclass now, as thousands of links would change, we do not plan such change now. Maybe it will be reviewed in upcoming development.

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