Its up on the developer. Creating a solo plugin or developing the osclass pay pro plugin.
Inventory management plugin that can be used with a scanner (that one used by markets). The plugin should allow sellers to easily add products to their inventory by scanning or manual the product barcode, which will automatically add the product to the plugin. The seller will then be able to save the product information and control their stock levels.
With this plugin, the seller will have complete control over their inventory, both online and offline They will be able to track their stock levels and adjust them as necessary, all through a user-friendly interface. The plugin will also enable the seller to sell products both online and offline, with the ability to manage their inventory in real-time.
i shared with you the general idea nut am sure that you got what i am talking about, and am sure that you have more idea that you can get in and implement it on it.
The most usefull point that will make osclass different and special as any other classifieds.
I will be happy to read a postive reply side osclass team, in case negative one waiting from any other osclasss user that liked the idea and we can do it together.