Support Forums - Classified Ads Script Osclass
General osclass questions => Feature request => Topic started by: Hsb on February 07, 2022, 10:55:45 AM
Pay plugin options coming in all categories. Can we set/apply to specific categories?
Right now not, it is expected that ecommerce feature is available for your whole classifieds and not just for 1 category.
Not sure if this could be like utilized properly.
Pay plugin options coming in all categories. Can we set/apply to specific categories?
If I understand correctly, you want vendors to sell in just a category.
If so, then you'll be able do to something like this soon, if this gets implemented:
@Mb Themes. Isn't look so unprofessional if some one advertise jobs and it shows option how many items you want post on post page?
Sorry did not get you.
Basically I do not see it is real to have this option enabled like "side job" in few categories. I would say it must be whole site aimed to this,
@ MB themes. Let me explain in details so you can get my point clearly. ex. I want to advertise a Job on classified site. I click on Post button and then I select jobs and then I select any job subcategory. And then you know when I scroll down, I see options " enable sales" And then I will be thinking well I am not selling anything, I just want to post a job. When I see enable sale in job category, then I will thinking "oh this again crap cheap site" better leave it.
So it calls Unprofessional classified website. I hope you get my point now.
It is not expected you would do sales in one category and besides that you would have "jobs" category.
Does not make sense to me.
@ Mb themes, Well Iam trying to explain you that I do not want " enable sales" in job category and you getting my point completely opposite. "enables sales" in job category is totally unprofessional. I hope you get my point now. Is there anywhere anyway to hide "enables sales" in job category?
It is not expected you would have such categories on site where you support online sales. Definitely not on same domain. Repeating it for 3rd time probably.
Anyway, will consider it in next update.
@Mb themes, Thanks for you reply. Please correct me if I am wrong. You mean it is not expected to have such categories on site. By such categories you mean like " For sale" , " jobs " , " Services" etc should not be on classified site? it should be either "for sale" or "jobs" on a classified website?
Please reply. I am waiting for you reply.
Online sales supported on site require a lot of dedication.