Modify listing page - not remember some settings. Gamma Theme 1.5.0, Osclass 4.4.0
There is an issue with phone number / email address specified by user when he add/modify a new listing. For example if he check "Phone visible on ad" and "Email visible on ad" these fields are displayed to other users (visitors of website).
Until here everything is ok. The problem appear when user/owner of an listing want to modify something on his listing. The page for edit listing is loaded with those 2 checkmarks (phone, email) UNCHECKED, even that at previous modification or at add listing step he checked them. So, if the user is not very careful (usually not) and he modify his listing and press Save, after that these 2 fields are NOT displayed anymore to other users/visitors. In my opinion, normally those 2 fields should be marked as "CHECKED" (if he previously checked them) when page for modifying an listing is loaded. Right ? Is there any solution ? Thank you !
Attached screen capture, taken from demo page of gamma theme but u get the point.