I was looking for custom fields to be listed in two columns on listing page, but I see neither osclass or gamma theme has this feature so I thought to share with you how to customise this.
You just need to copy and then paste below css code into Appearance > Customization:

CSS Code:
.custom-fields .list {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); /* Two equal columns */
gap: 4px; /* Space between cells */
width: 100%;
.custom-fields .field {
display: flex;
background: #e3e3e3; /* Light grey background */
color: #000; /* Black text */
padding: 2px 8px; /* Cell padding */
border: 0px solid #e3e3e3; /* Cell border */
.custom-fields .field .name {
font-weight: bold;
margin-right: 5px;
flex: 1; /* Allows even spacing */
.custom-fields .field .value {
flex: 1;
.custom-fields .field, .job-detail table tr, .real-detail table tr, .car-detail table tr, .real-detail .detail2, #atr-item li, #atr-item li.atr-type-checkbox, #atr-item li.atr-type-select {float:left;clear:both;width:100%;padding:6px 0px;background:#e3e3e3;margin:0;list-style-type: disc; display: list-item;}