Hi there I have 2 issues:
1. after installing free Review plugin there is problem on home page with my ads (i have following lines in item.php file. :
Show rating on product page......
To display rating result on single listing page, copy and past following code to item.php file. <?php if (function_exists('show_rating')) { show_rating(); } ?>
Show rating on Loop listings ....home page
To display rating on Home or Search page, copy and past following code to loop-single.php file. <?php if (function_exists('show_rating_loop')) { show_rating_loop(); } ?>
you can check najboljioglasi((.))com
2. In free Realestate plugin PROPRIETY TYPE option is appearing on customer account by creating an ad and canot be used for anything....it shows only 1 possibility to be chosen but no other choice....cen we desactivate this and where exactly?
Thanks to provide the complet code or solution