1.show some tips when cursor goes on tilte and description (or) add some widget in ad posting page to show safety tips to the seller, this changes will help to visitor and they will post a ad perfect and also it will gave some classic look. find the attachment below
2. after posting a listing gave small information to share on social media to increase visitors find the image
( bt not same like image create as simple)
3. and already u enable the select city on home page it was good bt it was taking 4 to 5sec to load, if u decrease the loading time then it will better and after selecting city it was rediredting to selected city ads and it was possible to redirect city.domain.com? can u enbale this option on admin pannel? if it was possible gave two options on admin pannel 1. is for who are not using subdomains, 2. is for who are using subdomains
i dont think 3rd one is easy bt we are hoping in future updates, thank for u r support to us, and thank for u r reply
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