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Maintenace deletes only threads, no messages
« on: May 07, 2020, 10:45:17 AM »
Is there a specific reason that the maintenance removes only threads and not old messages? why would you keep messages that are not visible anywhere? It slows down the database by ALOT


MB Themes

Re: Maintenace deletes only threads, no messages
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2020, 12:23:08 PM »
That's strange,... foreign key was not added for fluent installation, easiest solution for you is to add foreign key on t_messages table on key t_messages.fk_i_thread_id -> t_threads.i_thread_id

Also update in model function removeThreadsByDate as following:
Code: [Select]
public function removeThreadsByDate( $datetime ) {
  $this->dao->query('DELETE FROM '. $this->getTable_messages() . ' WHERE fk_i_thread_id in (SELECT i_thread_id FROM '. $this->getTable_threads() . ' WHERE d_datetime <= "' . $datetime . '")' . $thread_id );
  $this->dao->query('DELETE FROM '. $this->getTable_threads() . ' WHERE d_datetime <= "' . $datetime . '"' );
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Re: Maintenace deletes only threads, no messages
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2020, 12:44:53 PM »
Thanks for you reply.

There are no records of adding this foreign keys in plugin db install.

Can you tell me how to add the foreign keys? i am getting an error when trying this:

Code: [Select]
ALTER TABLE oc_t_im_messages
ADD FOREIGN KEY (fk_i_thread_id)
REFERENCES oc_t_im_threads (i_thread_id)

#1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (db.#sql-104_965, CONSTRAINT #sql-104_965_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (fk_i_thread_id) REFERENCES oc_t_im_threads (i_thread_id))

i don't want to delete all existing messages if that's the reason of the error


MB Themes

Re: Maintenace deletes only threads, no messages
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2020, 08:25:09 PM »
Your key is correct, but probably thread ids in messages table already reference to non existing threads
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