Everyday i find something new to change on my site and today it is this link {OFFER_LINK} that's keeping me busy

When a user get's an offer on his listing an email is send to inform them that a new offer has been done by someone. The link in that email points out to in my case (since i use instant messenger) https://....com/im-messages/46/QRYFdJIWze/ which is ok but i rather see it pointed to the offer page itself instead of the im-messenger link.
In the email it isn't such a big problem to point to im-messenger, but if you are in im-messenger the same link https://....com/im-messages/46/QRYFdJIWze/ appears to point you to the same message instead of the offer page. Attachement makes it more clear....
Is it possible to change the link so when user clicks they go to the offer page and not the message in im_messerger?
It must be {OFFER_LINK} that's needs to be changed but i am not able to find it in module file or functions....