How i can get expiration date of premium, which extended by user?
I want to extand expiration day of ads on duration for premium.
I use
$expire = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(" + " . $hours . " hours", strtotime($curr_date)));
Item::newInstance()->dao->query(sprintf('UPDATE %st_item SET dt_expiration = "%s" WHERE pk_i_id = %d', DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $expire, $item_id));
Its work good, when user buy premium at first, but when he extend i can not get date of expiration premium and extend expiration date of ads from this date.
I found $duration = $product[2]; in fuction osp_product_title($product), this return date of expiration premium, but it does not work on function osp_pay_fee($details)