I am facing some problem with Osclass Pay Plugin. I was testing User Groups in Osclass Pay Plugins by adding some Groups in it which had 5 Max Items, Exp. Days 30, Item Period 3, Attr 1 (To check if the user is added to Basic Group of Business Profile). I know the Item period 3 is odd but just wanted to test the functionality of this plugin and know what would happen after 3 days with the listings and whether I would be able to post more listings if I utilise all 5 Listings within 3 days. The default Max Items is set to 3 for 30 Days. Now below is the way how I started testing.
1.> I first posted 1 listing out of the 3 Free Listings.
2.> Then I purchased Membership Group of 5 Max Items, Exp. Days 30, Item Period 3 by using the Wallet Pay as mode of payment in which I had already added some fund through Admin Pay.
3.> I then posted 2 more listings without any issue and now I had total 3 Listings.
4.> Now when I tried to post 4th Listing, I get Item Limit Warning that says Max 3 Items which is limit of the default Max Items.
5.> Also the User Business Profile is not activated as I thought that by setting attribute in Membership Group user will be automatically added to Business Profile Group na din this case as I had set Attr value 1 which means it should have added user to Basic group from my understanding.
So, for your reference I am sharing some screenshots for Warning, Purchased Membership Group, User Groups Setting and also Business Profiles List so that you can understand what exactly I have setup in Backend.