I have a simple questions regarding this plugin....
For what i saw this is a very nice plugin, and i try it in your demo area, and check for their configurations....
One of the thinks i don't se and i think is interesting is to have a kind of imitation for the free in aeach category
This is one of the thinks olx have and it's a very nice feature...
Eg of what i'm talking about.
Real Estate - Allow only 2 free listings for each user, if the user whant to place more listings need to pay a fee..
Cars - Allow only 5 free listings for each user, if the user whant to place more listings need to pay a fee..
Jobs - Allow only 10 free listings for each user, if the user whant to place more listings need to pay a fee..
Animals - No limitation, if the user want to place 100 listings do not need to pay nothing...
So my question is, this Plugin had any feature like this?

It will be implemented in the future?

I need to know this to decide if i will phurcase this plugin or not...
Best Regards