i agree with you, lots of people will never go for credit card or online banking, for paying little bucks.
even for bank payment.
instead of these, wallet is a good option.
today mostly people worldwide prefers, wallet and usp payment.
just check the statics, you will see, 10 out of 2 people prefer bank payment , who doesnt having any medium of payment.
and 10 out of 9 prefer wallet and usp payment, cz its safe and easy, from 0.1 $ to 100000...., & best part is you dont have to visit bank and doesnt need any written clearance.
but developers have to figure out which wallet and usp gateway, is most popular in country wise, and have to implement,
as a example- paytm wallet in india, but they havent implement yet, suppose people willl not find any online medium to pay, then they will demand for bank payment system,