Feature request
Automatic (withdrawal) listing payments (set per time period).
Currently users (sellers) pay for their listing once uploading and when republishing. The problem (where we need a solution for): Republishing needs to happen manually...
Wouldn't it be possible to create a system like any-other platform, to have the monthly (or other chosen time period) fee automatically withdrawn from the user? We understand that this would require more collaboration/integration with the payment providers. However, this would be an amazing feature to gain more revenue from sellers/users.
I am curious to know if someone has been able to already enable such as system where the fee is automatically withdrawn from the users after the first time period of the listing has passed? (I understand that there is also some extra legal work that needs to be applied).
Please let me know if someone could help me out (adjust the code) or if Osclasspoint is willing to improve this feature for there users.