@ BANNER ADS + OSPAY= OSPAY combine banner ads with ospay plugin, dont make two seperate plugin,
reason- in osclass market there are only
4 sales of banner ads plugin, but look at
Advertisement Banner Manager plugin total
189 sales..
why people will buy ospay, if they didnt like banner ads plugin, instead banner ads they favour adv. baner manager, so cant force him for buying banner ads plugin... (
raise 10$ for integrating banner ads script in ospay but combine them, like 2 in 1..2
@REFERAL REWARDS after joining any membership pack just like invite your friend and earn referall rewards, its generating leads but doesnt converts leads into sales, so implemnent if possible, referall based on joining membership, link chain.....
LOCATION PRICES BASED ON CITY if possible integrate location price based on city, mainly corporate businessman, integrate or uses in his sites region based price, for small micro city based is enough
PRICE BASED ON PHONE CALLS OR ADS VIEW@ if possible then integrate, price based on users item views, or phone call, like- total 44 items- 3k view, & 2k phone calls, 1k item xyz highest view, 0.10$ for item view, agreement between users & admin..
ENABLE FEW MORE CUSTOM LINES IN MEMBERSHIP PACK @if possible integrate few more lines line1, line2 , line 3, ... so that we can express , what we are providing in membership pack, free trial,, etc etc
last but not least, banner ads plugin, having very very low sales rate, it will spoil ospay, so integrate and combine it with ospay, just raise few dolllar 10$ or whatever suits best according to you @ profitrader dev. two seperate plugin or payment! its not a good idea, keep it free or integrate it with ospay, u already having, adv. banner manager...