Hello there...
i need help to change the alerts notifications to be send time by time, first by first, 'SECOND' BY 'SECOND',, and why i need that?
some items is oppertunity for some people, and they need to be reminder about this products as soon as they can to get advantage of this oppertunity, so i think is really bad idea to make the alert send after longtime!, that mean might the product already gone!,
but when he get 'SECOND' BY 'SECOND' or 'FIRST' BY 'FIRST', he can be the first for this chance,
i tried to do some changes in the file in: /oc-includes/osclass/alerts.php
i thnk the file which responibale to do that, and this the changes:
function osc_runAlert($type = null, $last_exec = null){
$mUser = User::newInstance();
if(!in_array($type, array('SECOND', 'MINUTE', 'HOURLY', 'DAILY', 'WEEKLY', 'INSTANT'))) {
if ($last_exec == null) {
$cron = Cron::newInstance()->getCronByType($type);
$last_exec = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
if (is_array($cron)) {
$last_exec = $cron['s_last_exec'];
$internal_name = 'alert_email_hourly';
switch ($type) {
case 'SECOND':
$internal_name = 'alert_email_second';
case 'MINUTE':
$internal_name = 'alert_email_minute';
case 'HOURLY':
$internal_name = 'alert_email_hourly';
case 'DAILY':
$internal_name = 'alert_email_daily';
case 'WEEKLY':
$internal_name = 'alert_email_weekly';
case 'INSTANT':
$internal_name = 'alert_email_instant';
$active = true;
$searches = Alerts::newInstance()->findByTypeGroup($type, $active);
if(is_array($searches) && count($searches) > 0) {
foreach ($searches as $s_search) {
// Get if there're new ads on this search
$json = $s_search[ 's_search' ];
$array_conditions = (array)json_decode($json, true);
$new_search = Search::newInstance();
$new_search->setJsonAlert($array_conditions, $s_search['s_email'], $s_search['fk_i_user_id']);
$new_search->addConditions(sprintf(" %st_item.dt_pub_date > '%s' ", DB_TABLE_PREFIX, $last_exec));
$items = $new_search->doSearch();
$totalItems = $new_search->count();
if (is_array($items) && count($items) > 0) {
// If we have new items from last check
// Catch the user subscribed to this search
$alerts = Alerts::newInstance()->findUsersBySearchAndType($s_search[ 's_search' ], $type, $active);
if (count($alerts) > 0) {
$ads = '<table id="alert-items" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">';
foreach ($items as $item) {
$ads .= '<tr>';
$resource = ItemResource::newInstance()->getResource($item[ 'pk_i_id' ]);
if(isset($resource['pk_i_id']) && $resource['pk_i_id'] > 0) {
$path = osc_apply_filter('resource_path', osc_base_url());
$img_link = $path.$resource['pk_i_id']."_thumbnail.".$resource['s_extension'];
} else {
$img_link = osc_base_url() . 'oc-includes/osclass/gui/images/no_photo.gif';
$ads .= '<td width="80" style="border-top:1px solid #ddd"><img src="' . $img_link . '" width="80"/></td>';
$ads .= '<td align="left" style="border-top:1px solid #ddd"><a href="' . osc_item_url_ns($item[ 'pk_i_id' ]) . '">' . $item[ 's_title' ] . '</a><br/><span>' . osc_highlight($item[ 's_description' ], 115) . '</span></td>';
$ads .= '</tr>';
$ads .= '</table>';
foreach ($alerts as $alert) {
$user = array();
if ($alert[ 'fk_i_user_id' ] > 0) {
$user = $mUser->findByPrimaryKey($alert[ 'fk_i_user_id' ]);
} else {
$user = $mUser->findByEmail($alert[ 's_email' ]);
if (!isset($user[ 's_name' ]) || @$user[ 's_name' ] == '') {
$user = array(
's_name' => $alert[ 's_email' ],
's_email' => $alert[ 's_email' ]
if (count($alert) > 0) {
osc_run_hook('hook_' . $internal_name, $user, $ads, $alert, $items, $totalItems);
AlertsStats::newInstance()->increase(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
but unfortunately didn't work!, does anyone have an idea how to fix that and make it work every 'SECOND'? thanks