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Preferred Location - Localized Listings
« on: July 20, 2021, 01:27:13 AM »

I don't know if this is possible - but when there are multiple countries, user can set a "preferred location" say Canada, and then any category page the user browses, they will only see listings from that country/region (Canadian Listings) in the category and others will be hidden.


MB Themes

Re: Preferred Location - Localized Listings
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2021, 01:34:13 PM »
This is doable, for example Veronika theme can remember user search parameters like location.
Tatiana theme had this more "built-in", but I would say this feature was not so popular between users :)
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Re: Preferred Location - Localized Listings
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2021, 02:36:01 AM »

I saw veronika  - and I can guess why it was not popular - simply because I think user will not realize that the location is set in the search field and it will show fewer or no results and user cannot understand what is going on (even for us who use osclass it is hard to understand the search parameters are set in the sidebar and to reset one has to go to the main page).  The way it should work is that user should know on the sidebar their region is now set and a reset button/link to reset but better way would be to set/change/reset region or on the top of the page and "not in the search field".

See this website for example - classified.bylancer.com - that script is available for sale and it is a perfect and seam less execution for someone running a classifieds with multiple countries.  Once a country is selected on the top, it will set and show ads in local currencies (I think it is because the user while inputting the ads will select a local currency). Also on the right side user can change language. I just love that in that script - but everything else is much better with osclass.

If osclass can do something like this seamlessly to change countries/languages then it will be another level. Can you do something like this? If you can do something like this in the future and want to see the admin demo let me know.


MB Themes

Re: Preferred Location - Localized Listings
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2021, 11:29:25 AM »
It has 2 listings.
You can do crazy stuff with site that has 2 listings, but you cannot do that with larger sites as it will take too much resources to check if there is listing or there is not etc. Like doing several searches at once.
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Re: Preferred Location - Localized Listings
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2021, 12:15:30 PM »
2 listings? I don't know which country you selected but here are a couple - http://classified.bylancer.com/home/en/us http://classified.bylancer.com/home/en/in and that is what I was referring to - once the country is changed on top, everything is set to the country on the front page and the listings, currency, etc,, same with the language and is is seamless - not like osclass where some little description gets chnaged but all else on the website stays in English. I was hoping may be that would inspire and give you some ideas for improvement of oscalss - I am not a programmer and it is possible it takes more resources but from the end user point of view the idea and the execution of it is just great in that script for a multi-country website. I haven't bought it yet because there are a lot of other things in osclass that are better but I am still debating because I want to build a multi-country website.

If you have any examples of multi-country multi-langauge osclass websites, please provide url's - I haven't seen any and I would like to see some examples. Thanks!

« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 12:31:06 PM by osclassic »