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Can we hide selected region on website frontend?
« on: June 07, 2022, 07:11:30 AM »
Hi, is it possible to hide selected regions on website frontend so no users can see them in location search or item post page unless admin unhides those region.
I know we can delete unwanted regions, but I just temporary don't need it.
Maybe I will need them in future.
As from what I understand if I delete old location to import new location all listings associated with those locations will also get deleted.
So, I want to keep all the regions provided by osclass but hidden, I just need 1 active region if possible.
I tried changing b_active status from 1 to 0 in mysql database, assuming that will turn status to inactive and hide it, but that didn't change anything on frontend.

Any help will be appreciated.



MB Themes

Re: Can we hide selected region on website frontend?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2022, 03:17:40 PM »
If you use auto-complete for locations, each location level is selectable and has unique class.
Following CSS could be universal to hide region entries:
Code: [Select]
.option.region {display:none;}
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