Support Forums - Classified Ads Script Osclass
General osclass questions => General discussion => Topic started by: mocody on January 19, 2021, 02:02:02 PM
@mb themes
for google ads, (formerly adwords) is requesting me to
If you haven't installed the global site tag on your website, copy the tag below and paste it between the head tags (<head></head>):
If you installed the global site tag on your website from another Google product (e.g. Google Analytics) or from another Google Ads account, copy the ‘config’ command below and add it to every instance of the global site tag, right above the </script> end tag.
gtag('config', 'AW-57xxxxxx);
i already have google analytics setup. and use the plugin.
where to add this code.
In this case will be probably better not to use plugin, but put code into theme's head.php directly.
Appreciated for the time,
so the theory is
First I have to disable the Osclass google analytics plugin
second I have to put the code for the Gtag and analytics both of them directly at head.php for the theme.