Ok, Thanks for reply ..
I have already checked that links.. that is very difficult for me... because I don't know coding..
I will try to change background color...
Thanks for your help.
follow this step.
1. open ur site on pc, put your mouse pointer to the element or text that you want to edit. then right click, select inspect element, find the exact text or part or element you want to view or edit. your wil see the details or line of css or codes of that element. for example backgound color : red .... and at the end it will show you the line of css.
2. open your cpanel, open file manager, click public html, please do click slowly, please make sure u click only without edit at first.
3. then after clicking public html, it will show you more file.
4. find delta theme (or any theme that u use) then, click on it it will show u more file. click until u find css.
5. at css, there is few css file. go only for responsive (this is for css mobile view) . the other one is style.css (this is for desktop view)
6. back to your site, recheck what line and css file (either responsive or style.css) that you see during inspect element.
7. back to your cpanel, public html file, then find the appropriate css file, then from there you may change the color.
8. do not do edit first if you not sure, do view first. view the css file (responsive or style.css). copy the line from inspect element from your site and find it there. if its exist, means you are on the correct place. make sure the line and description are 100% simillar like what you see and copy from inspect element of your site (website)
9. when u sure everything is correct, try finf the color, change the words . example like below :
color : red
just change the word ' red ' into black or any other color
black color will appear replacing red color in your live website.
make sure u edit with cautious, do not add or remove any space. just change word.
then, from here u may learn many other things on how to edit css file.
do try.
thanks to osclass/mb theme for providing non coder like us to create a very good listing website