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Dear all,

I am trying to do some work, as it affects the website SEO extremely.

What I have tried:

data-nosnippet="data-nosnippet" -> added to each class I wanted to remove the content in functions.php of the plugin, but the content is still found by websites like this: https://websiteseochecker.com/

Disallow: /oc-content/plugins/cookies_consent_pro/functions.php - the content still revealed too.

I want to leave the content visible to users exactly as it is, but the content should no longer be seen by search engines. Exactly as olx has it.

The content of some plugins SERIOUSLY affects SEO.

MBThemes can you help us please?


MB Themes

You have not specified what is actually problem
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MB Themes

You may first check php detection and simply hide text if bot is detected.

Code: [Select]
function _bot_detected() {
  return (
    && preg_match('/bot|crawl|slurp|spider|mediapartners/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])
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What I want is to hide the text inside Cookies content pro plugin not from users but from Search engines.

If I disable the plugin for example I’ll have 1000 words on my page.

If I enable the plugin I’ll have 1500 words on page, just exampling now, this causing SEO issues.

I want to leave the plugin enabled, but without counting it’s text.

Like when you use data-nosnippet

Got it?



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What I would like is to add this data-nosnippet="data-nosnippet" to any class and to make the content inside that snippet/class not readable the search engines or other apps that shows code into a web page.

If I add data-nosnippet="data-nosnippet" the content is still readable. But it should not be.

A word I'd like to use the snippet to it have a big relevance in SEO and I would like to eliminate it. More exactly "Remove from favorites" It is displayed dozens times on my webpage..

Is there any way to fix my issues?
« Last Edit: April 10, 2023, 03:42:46 PM by questions »



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Need help here. I have ranked on "Remove from favorites" instead of "Free Classifieds Online" because of this that can be found in plugins/favorite_items/functions.php

$text  = '';
  $text .= '<a href="javascript://" class="fi_save_favorite fi_save fi_fav_' . $item_id . $class . '" rel="' . $item_id . '" title="' . osc_esc_html($title) . '">';
  $text .= '<i class="' . $icon . '"></i><span>' . $title . '</span>';
  $text .= '</a>';

This is for loop-single.php.
  $text .= '<i class="' . $icon . '"></i><span IF I ADD data-nosnippet HERE - DO NOT WORK>' . $title . '</span>';

Here I also ranked for currency

          <div class="price isGrid isDetail"><span IF I ADD data-nosnippet HERE - DO NOT WORK><?php echo osc_item_formated_price(); ?></span></div>

Can you help please? How can I indicate Google somehow else that some content should not be displayed?

Thank you


MB Themes

You will be able to see if code works or no in few months.
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots