
MB Themes

Only available for new (non existing) translations of Osclass core. All other translations can now be easily handled by DeepL Translator Plugin that provides translations of same quality as human.

Are you looking for premium/paid products, but you have 0 budget or cannot afford it?
No worry! There is way to you to get legitimate license for paid product (without support pack).

How to:
1) Translate Osclass core (theme.po, core.po, messages.po), premium Theme (theme.po) or premium Plugin (messages.po)
2) Create language pack:
- for core, it must include theme.po, core.po, messages.po; but also index.php and mail.sql
- besides .po files, always include also .mo files those are source of translations for Osclass
- for existing languages, always update all .po files from latest osclass version (update from source code) before starting translation
- for new languages, its best to duplicate existing language pack (en_US) and create your version, let's say sk_SK.
-- to achieve this, update index.php occurences from en_US to sk_SK and name translation properly, update mail.php occurences from en_US to sk_SK and translate mails. Escape single apostrophe with backslash... "'" => "\'", example: "it's" => "it\'s"
-- find list of 2-letter language codes here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes , in most cases first two and last two letters are same. Keep in mind first two are lower case and last two are uppercase.
-- update all .po files and translate them

3) place all files (.po, .mo, .php - if applicable) into folder with language code. I.e. folder name would be: en_US, sk_SK, cz_CZ, de_DE, ar_SY, ...
4) ZIP this folder and name it properly:
- Core: YYYYMMDD_lang_osclass_LANGCODE_VERSION.zip

Explanation & details:
- YYYYMMDD - is date of translation, example: 20221231, 20230101, 20230320
- LANGCODE - same as translation folder name & code, example: en_US, de_DE, ar_SY, ru_RU, ...
- VERSION - version of osclass or product using dots, example: 1.3.0, 2.13.5, 3.0.0, 4.0.5, 2.0.16, ...
- PRODNAME - name of product folder (when theme/plugin is installed it has own folder name in oc-content/themes or oc-content/plugins). Underscode is replaced with dash!!!!. Example: epsilon, delta, blog, gdpr, instant-messenger, item-validation, osclass-pay, business-profile, ...

How to get theme/plugin .po files for translation:
- Let's use Instant Messenger Plugin as example for this
- Go to product page, example: https://osclasspoint.com/osclass-plugins/messaging-and-communication/instant-messenger-plugin-i50
- Click on "Backoffice demo" button, it should take you to configure page of plugin (if not, go to Plugins > Plugin name > Configure), example: https://plugins3.abprofitrade.eu/oc-admin/index.php?page=plugins&action=renderplugin&file=instant_messenger/admin/configure.php
- notice parameter "file": instant_messenger/admin/configure.php, it will always start with "PRODNAME", in this case instant_messenger
- You can now get original .po file using URL: DEMO_BASE_URL/oc-content/plugins/PRODNAME/languages/en_US/messages.po
- For themes, path is little different: DEMO_BASE_URL/oc-content/themes/PRODNAME/languages/en_US/theme.po
- Sample paths: https://plugins3.abprofitrade.eu/oc-content/plugins/instant_messenger/languages/en_US/messages.po
- If you have problem to identify plugin/theme folder name, you can view into source code as well

You have translation, what's next:
- To get free product as exchange for translation, you must have at least ~2000 terms translated, alternatively 7 different products (theme/plugin).
- Send it to [email protected] with title "Call for translation" and specify product you would like to get
- After validating translations, you will receive link to download product back to your mail

- not apply to existing translations (except osclass core, if current translation is older than 3 major versions)
- not apply to free themes/plugins

Sample starting index.php
Code: [Select]
function locale_en_US_info() {
  return array(
'name'            => 'English (US)',
'short_name'      => 'English',
'description'     => 'American english translation',
'version'         => '8.0.2',
'author_name'     => 'OsclassPoint',
'author_url'      => 'https://osclass-classifieds.com/',
'currency_format' => '{NUMBER} {CURRENCY}',
'date_format'     => 'm/d/Y',
'stop_words'      => 'i,a,about,an,are,as,at,be,by,com,for,from,how,in,is,it,of,on,or,that,the,this,to,was,what,when,where,who,will,with,the'

Sample modified index.php
Code: [Select]
function locale_[u]sk_SK[/u]_info() {
  return array(
'name'            => 'Slovak',
'short_name'      => 'Slovak',
'description'     => 'Slovak translation',
'version'         => '8.0.2',
'author_name'     => 'OsclassPoint',
'author_url'      => 'https://osclass-classifieds.com/',
'currency_format' => '{NUMBER} {CURRENCY}',
'date_format'     => 'm/d/Y',
'stop_words'      => 'a,az,i,s,od'

Sample mail.php file:
Code: [Select]
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (1, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Someone has a question about your listing', '<p>Hi {CONTACT_NAME}!</p><p>{USER_NAME} ({USER_EMAIL}, {USER_PHONE}) left you a message about your listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>:</p><p>{COMMENT}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (2, 'en_US', 'Please validate your {WEB_TITLE} account', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>Please validate your registration by clicking on the following link: {VALIDATION_LINK}</p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (3, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Registration successful!', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>You\'ve successfully registered for {WEB_LINK}.</p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (4, 'en_US', 'Look at what I discovered on {WEB_TITLE}', '<p>Hi {FRIEND_NAME},</p><p>Your friend {USER_NAME} wants to share this listing with you <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>.</p><p>Message:</p><p>{COMMENT}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_TITLE}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (5, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New listings in the last hour', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>New listings have been published in the last hour. Take a look at them:</p><p>{ADS}</p><p>-------------</p><p>To unsubscribe from this alert, click on: {UNSUB_LINK}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (6, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New listings in the last day', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>New listings have been published in the last day. Take a look at them:</p><p>{ADS}</p><p>-------------</p><p>To unsubscribe from this alert, click on: {UNSUB_LINK}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (7, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New listings in the last week', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>New listings have been published in the last week. Take a look at them:</p><p>{ADS}</p><p>-------------</p><p>To unsubscribe from this alert, click on: {UNSUB_LINK}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (8, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New listings', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>A new listing has been published, check it out!</p><p>{ADS}</p><p>-------------</p><p>To unsubscribe from this alert, click on: {UNSUB_LINK}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (9, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - New comment', '<p>Someone commented on the listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>.</p><p>Commenter: {COMMENT_AUTHOR}<br />Commenter\'s email: {COMMENT_EMAIL}<br />Title: {COMMENT_TITLE}<br />Comment: {COMMENT_TEXT}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (10, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Edit options for the listing {ITEM_TITLE}', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>You\'re not registered at {WEB_LINK}, but you can still edit or delete the listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a> for a short period of time.</p><p>You can edit your listing by following this link: {EDIT_LINK}</p><p>You can delete your listing by following this link: {DELETE_LINK}</p><p>If you register as a user, you will have full access to editing options.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (11, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Validate your listing', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>You\'re receiving this e-mail because a listing has been published at {WEB_LINK}. Please validate this listing by clicking on the following link: {VALIDATION_LINK}. If you didn\'t publish this listing, please ignore this email.</p><p>Listing details:</p><p>Contact name: {USER_NAME}<br />Contact e-mail: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>{ITEM_DESCRIPTION}</p><p>Url: {ITEM_URL}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (12, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - A new listing has been published', '<p>Dear {WEB_TITLE} admin,</p><p>You\'re receiving this email because a listing has been published at {WEB_LINK}.</p><p>Listing details:</p><p>Contact name: {USER_NAME}<br />Contact email: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>{ITEM_DESCRIPTION}</p><p>Url: {ITEM_URL}</p><p>You can edit this listing by clicking on the following link: {EDIT_LINK}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (13, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Recover your password', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>We\'ve sent you this e-mail because you\'ve requested a password reminder. Follow this link to recover it: {PASSWORD_LINK}</p><p>The link will be deactivated in 24 hours.</p><p>If you didn\'t request a password reminder, please ignore this message. This request was made from IP {IP_ADDRESS} on {DATE_TIME}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (14, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - You requested an email change', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME}</p><p>You\'re receiving this e-mail because you requested an e-mail change. Please confirm this new e-mail address by clicking on the following validation link: {VALIDATION_LINK}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (15, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Please validate your alert', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>Please validate your alert registration by clicking on the following link: {VALIDATION_LINK}</p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (16, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Your comment has been approved', '<p>Hi {COMMENT_AUTHOR},</p><p>Your comment on <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a> has been approved.</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (17, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Validate your listing', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>You\'re receiving this e-mail because you\’ve published a listing at {WEB_LINK}. Please validate this listing by clicking on the following link: {VALIDATION_LINK}. If you didn\'t publish this listing, please ignore this e-mail.</p><p>Listing details:</p><p>Contact name: {USER_NAME}<br />Contact e-mail: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>{ITEM_DESCRIPTION}</p><p>Url: {ITEM_URL}</p><p>Even if you\'re not registered at {WEB_LINK}, you can still edit or delete your listing:</p><p>You can edit your listing by following this link: {EDIT_LINK}</p><p>You can delete your listing by following this link: {DELETE_LINK}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (18, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - A new user has registered', '<p>Dear {WEB_TITLE} admin,</p><p>You\'re receiving this email because a new user has been created at {WEB_LINK}.</p><p>User details:</p><p>Name: {USER_NAME}<br />E-mail: {USER_EMAIL}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (19, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Someone has a question for you', '<p>Hi {CONTACT_NAME}!</p><p>{USER_NAME} ({USER_EMAIL}, {USER_PHONE}) left you a message:</p><p>{COMMENT}</p><p>Regards,</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (20, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Someone has commented on your listing', '<p>There\'s a new comment on the listing: <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a>.</p><p>Author: {COMMENT_AUTHOR}<br />Author\'s email: {COMMENT_EMAIL}<br />Title: {COMMENT_TITLE}<br />Comment: {COMMENT_TEXT}</p><p>{WEB_LINK}</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (21, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Success creating admin account!', '<p>Hi {ADMIN_NAME},</p><p>The admin of {WEB_LINK} has created an account for you,</p><ul><li>Username: {USERNAME}</li><li>Password: {PASSWORD}</li></ul><p>You can access the admin panel here {WEB_ADMIN_LINK}.</p><p>Thank you!</p><p>Regards,</p>');
INSERT INTO /*TABLE_PREFIX*/t_pages_description (fk_i_pages_id, fk_c_locale_code, s_title, s_text) VALUES (22, 'en_US', '{WEB_TITLE} - Your ad is about to expire', '<p>Hi {USER_NAME},</p><p>Your listing <a href="{ITEM_URL}">{ITEM_TITLE}</a> is about to expire at {WEB_LINK}.');
« Last Edit: February 05, 2024, 01:02:06 PM by MB Themes »
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots


MB Themes

-- This topic is locked, you cannot ask questions or respond here. Create new topic if you have some questions --
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots


MB Themes

-- Attaching random translations just as a reference for naming convention of packages --
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots