Thanks, its worked.
So, follow these steps.
Database Related Changes
Step 1, change your database's default charset as CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
Step 2, set same charset for "item_description" table
Step 3, Open "DBConnectionClass.php" located in "oc-includes\osclass\classes\database\". Search for "$this->_setCharset('utf8', $this->db);" and change it as "$this->_setCharset('utf8mb4', $this->db);"
Now you are done 50% job rest is -- Database changes required to fully working
Open phpmyadmin ---> select osclass database ----> click -- item_descrption table ----> click structure view ---> check below Indexes ----> 2nd number s_description ---> click drop ---> OK
Now you can change utf8_general_ci collection for s_description & s_title --- without drop index its not possible - you face sql query error - so 1st drop index then we recreate full index.
Next ---> Now , you have successfully changed utf8mb4_unicode_ci collection type.
then click on top menu SQL ( just like structure view )
SQL query box open -->
enter this sql query carefully,
CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX s_description ON xyz_t_item_description(s_description,s_title) then edit mode
replace xyz to your real table name like oc_t_item_description(s_description,s_title) check your table name xyz & oc_ is example just.
after query edit done ---> GO
you got successfully query executed green message
Then verify again - click structure view ---> check indexes ----> if its show like attached img then it Okay.
Now almost done. still you need to check all tables where title & description or any other ad banners etc content shows - check collection type and modify utf8_general_ci to utf8mb4_unicode_ci .
Mostly you need to change this, meta title, meta category , banners , preferences etc table. Where you wish to include emojis.
Now everywhere emoji's working fine.
Only old tinymce editor need some addition for emojis otherwise copy paste emoji symbols direct working.
And <meta charset="utf-8"> or <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> both working.
complementary you can add 2 more lines in config.php file after
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:3306'); this line
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4');
define('DB_COLLATE', 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci');
( This is optional , hope MB team can tell us more for this )
phpmyadmin table list - If you want everywhere all website Text content area emoji support then following table need to convert from utf8_general_ci to utf8mb4_unicode_ci - once done all - 100% emoji support full website. [ Advance TASK - be careful - take a database full backup before doing this ]
1) ais_category_meta - s_title & s_description
2) ais_item_meta - s_title & s_description
3) ais_pages_meta - s_title & s_description
4) ais_region_meta - s_title & s_description
5) ba_advert - s_code
6) faq_item_locale - s_title & s_description
7) im_messages - s_message

item_comment - s_title & s_body
9) item_description - s_title & s_description
10) osp_banner - s_code & s_comment
11) preference - e_type
12) user_description - s_info
13) user_rating_ur - s_comment
14) widget - s_content
Now emoji showing.