
MB Themes

Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« on: December 03, 2020, 09:50:08 AM »
Secret for long time, but as osclass release 4.2 is going out this week, it's time to share what's new and updated. If you have few minutes, let's read changelog ;)
Feel free to share your opinions and feedback!

Make sure to check our blog as well that contains 10 articles about new release functionality and how to use it.

  • Breadcrumbs micro-data updated to latest definition of http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList
  • Static page has new option - add to index / exclude from index that allows you to manage which pages can be indexed by google (search engines) and which pages should not be indexed
  • Search engine - counting has been redesign and counting is now done on database side instead of PHP side, that speed up whole process and removes limit on total number of items.
    In prior versions limit was set to 100*items_per_page
  • Oc-admin login page is now fully responsive
  • Osclass dialog boxes (ui) can now be closed also by clicking outside box
  • Currency error query fixed in case no currency has been inserted into filter
  • Custom fields are now sortable and can be reordered in prefered way
  • Rating (stars) can now be enabled at comments, so comment can now be simply transformed into item review
  • Fixed bug with native name of locations those shown null for locations where native name was not defined (in location dropdowns on publish page)
  • New security feature in front & back office: when visitor login with incorrect password, it will be suspended for several minutes before next login attempt.
        After 5 incorrect attempts - 5 minutes suspendation time, after 10 attempts - 30 minutes, after 15 attempts - 60 minutes, after 20, 25, 30, ... attempts - 360minutes suspendation time.
        This helps to protect customer's data significantly.
  • Added option to choose where is user redirected after listing publish (priorities): Dashboard > Listing > Category; Listing > Category; Category
  • Admin can now enable TinyMCE (rich edit) in user profile - user info in front & backoffice. This can be very useful together with plugins like Business Profile.
  • Market pages has been created for themes, plugins, languages (core, plugins, themes) and locations. You can now simply purchase, install, update, activate and configure any of these directly in backoffice.
        User experience was key aspect of whole new market pages and exploring plugins, themes and importing data into osclass was never simpler.
  • New section "Data clean up" has been created in backoffice under Tools, you can now remove unwanted listings data (expired, not activated, blocked, spam),
        unwanted users data (blocked, not activated) and unwanted comments (blocked, not activated)
  • Language files (zip) has been renamed completely (to simplify naming convention), all files has been updated to correctly reference it's real version
  • Fixed item price, where 0 price was processed as "Check with seller" instead of "Free"
  • Added user profile picture functionality, including enable/disable this feature, setting up desired image size in pixels
        Profile picture uploader allows to rotate, zoom and crop image
  • Redesigned CSRF security tokens to not be so much anoying. As example was taken wordpress using simple token functionality
        To disable security check on form (input with token), new keywords are available to be added to form class: nocsrf (current), notoken, nooctoken
  • Backoffice (oc-admin) home page has been completely redesigned and works now based on "widgets" those show different kind of information about your website and it's status
        Widgets can be collapsed right on the fly on dashboard and those you do not like at all can be completely hidden in widget settings page
  • Statistics page in backoffice got new chart design that does not look such "oldish", still using reliable Google Charts library
  • Fixed bug when it was not possible to change status of comment directly on comment page (Probable invalid request)
  • "Remember me" option on front & oc-admin login has been fixed, now you may stay online for 1 year
  • Code cleaning and formatting has been done in all osclass files, removing more than 200 000 unnecessary white spaces
  • Bender theme has been removed and is not delivered with osclass installation anymore (still can be used or downloaded from other places)
  • Oc-admin Modern theme has been removed and is not delivered with osclass installation anymore (it still work properly, but will not contain any new options and fields)
  • Pagination function has been fixed and will accept also itemType in user account > user listings section (incl. friendly & non-friendly urls)
  • Backoffice meta title tags has been redesigned, not using right double arrow anymore and using "-" instead. For login, forgot, recover pages in oc-admin, page title has been switched with action to match format of all other backoffice pages.
  • Moderator now can get extra access into plugin pages, new field "Moderator extra access" has been created.
    Access exeption is identified by "file" or "route" used by plugins. Examples: business_profile/admin/configure.php (file); google_maps_settings (route)
  • Renewal feature has been integrated. Admin can enable renewals, enable to update publish date on renewal, limit maximum number of renewals per item
    Supporting functions like renewal URL, checking if renewal is eligible and similar has been created as well
  • Structured data / micro data / rich tags has been integrated directly into core and are generated on every single page of osclass.
    Includes facebook OG tags, google rich tags, twitter tags. This will also fix issue related to aggregated rating.
  • Contact form bug fix - in case visitor did not uploaded any attachment, osclass will no more throw error: Incorrect attachment extension
  • Following libraries has been updated to latest versions (PHP Mailer - 6.1.x, Gettext - 4.8.x, Recaptcha - 1.2.x, HTML Purifier - 4.13.x, PHP Sec lib - 2.0.x)
    Before updating, it is recommended to remove (move somewhere else) content of folder oc-includes/vendor/phpmailer as v6.x use different file structure than old v5.x
  • Osclass now contains CSS & JS optimization features those allows to merge CSS & JS files into one master, as well as to minify master file.
    Admin can setup "banned words" so script/style with specific word in name is not included. Admin can also exclude CSS / JS optimization on particular pages.
  • New feature - admin toolbar in front - has been added. You can enable menu (visible to admin only) that allows to manage your osclass content much easier
  • New feature - admin can now login as user - this option has been added to user list in backoffice
  • Robots.txt has been updated and does not allow bots to crawl multiple osclass folders those should not be indexed
  • Filters item_title & item_description has been added to search items as well, so title and description can be modified in same way on all the places (i.e. bad words functionality)
  • Improvements when processing non-latin characters into URL, like cyrilic, chinese, alphabet etc. Search page will not throw error anymore when using such characters with friendly URLs.
  • Listing views count has been added to oc-admin > Listings section as last column.
  • User can now deactivate (disable) it's listing in same way as it is activated, supporting functions osc_can_deactivate_items and osc_item_deactivate_url were created.
  • Auto-upgrade no more send emails to admin if nothing has been upgraded. Now will also contain information if core, plugins, themes or languages has been updated.
  • limit set on generic_select function that generates select fields, default value is 1000. This is to protect website from loading unnecessary too much options into select box.
  • location dropdown functions (country_select, region_select, city_select) from item form class has been redesigned and now does not load any data if not necessary.
    In previous versions it loaded all countries, regions and cities into select boxes that made website to load for long time and made it slow and unresponsive to user interactions.
  • Fixed bug/problem with translations of CHILD themes those could not be properly used on prior osclass versions. Osclass now consider both language files as well as both translation domains.
  • version_compare2 function to compare versions of products has been redesigned and improved to accept string as well as integer version numbers.
  • added missing email variables to class to avoid undefined notices error. Updated class to avoid errors in case some variable description is missing.
  • new functions has been created to support theme authors: osc_lib_url(), osc_content_url(), osc_themes_url(), osc_plugins_url(), osc_translations_url().
  • update removes old phpmailer folder located in oc-includes folder to avoid issues when using different plugins those may be checking if this folder exists.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2020, 09:54:33 AM by MB Themes »
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots



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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2020, 04:14:14 PM »
In the profile of the user TinyMCE is enabled only on SIGMA. In other matters it does not work.


MB Themes

Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2020, 06:00:30 PM »
It is not theme specific function.
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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2020, 06:24:03 PM »
Great work guys.

Terms and policies . question.

I have seen that you are collecting information and to download we have to accept the Terms and policy,
I have a question i need to be answered,?.

Thank you for the hardwork.

ok about the question all the things you wrote and mention in the terms and policies during downloading osclass 4.2 is applicable to the script it's self or the website that iam interacting (osclass-classified.com)




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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2020, 06:34:10 PM »
It is not theme specific function.

Please what do you mean, I did not understand



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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2020, 06:51:19 PM »

it means TinyMCE  is with the Osclass Script it's not in the theme folder or it's not part of the Theme,
TinyMCE is with OSclass and you can enable it at Oc-admin ( listing tab under settings ) then check this option

Enable TinyMCE on add/edit listing form in front/back office

Hope this helps you.


MB Themes

Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2020, 06:55:00 PM »
Could not say that better. Thanks ;)
But you can also enable this in user profile
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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2020, 07:18:45 PM »
I know this and I did, but it does not work on any theme, only sigma.



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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2020, 07:42:11 PM »

it means TinyMCE  is with the Osclass Script it's not in the theme folder or it's not part of the Theme,
TinyMCE is with OSclass and you can enable it at Oc-admin ( listing tab under settings ) then check this option

Enable TinyMCE on add/edit listing form in front/back office

Hope this helps you.

I know what you are saying. Tinymce is checked for users. But when a user wants to edit his profile tinymce does not work


MB Themes

Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2020, 08:30:05 PM »
If you have trouble with ut, create new thread, describe how to reproduce, provide screenshots and url.
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots


Nagy Csaba

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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2020, 07:45:28 PM »
Hi great work ! thank you

After update c-panel cron gives me a 500 error 

after update:

--2020-12-05 20:00:01--  https://www.MYSITE.ro/index.php?page=cron
Resolving www.MYSITE.ro (www.MYSITE.ro)... 45.67.39.XX
Connecting to www.MYSITE.ro (www.MYSITE.ro)|45.67.39.XX|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 500 Internal Server Error
2020-12-05 20:02:50 ERROR 500: Internal Server Error.

before update:

--2020-12-05 19:00:01--  https://www.MYSITE.ro/index.php?page=cron
Resolving www.MYSITE.ro (www.MYSITE.ro)... 45.67.39.XX
Connecting to www.MYSITE.ro (www.MYSITE.ro)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: https://MYSITE.RO:/index.php?page=cron [following]
--2020-12-05 19:05:01--  https://oMYSITE.ro/index.php?page=cron
Resolving MYSITE.ro (MYSITE.ro)... 45.67.39.XX
Connecting to MYSITE.ro (MYSITE.ro)|45.67.39.XX|:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 0 [text/html]
Saving to: ‘/dev/null’

     0K                                                        0.00 =0s

2020-12-05 19:05:01 (0.00 B/s) - ‘/dev/null’ saved [0/0]

The command was
wget mysite.com/index.php?page\=cron \-O /dev/null

did i miss somthing during the update ?
« Last Edit: December 05, 2020, 07:50:50 PM by Nagy Csaba »


MB Themes

Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2020, 08:10:02 PM »
Do you have error log to that 500 error?
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Nagy Csaba

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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2020, 08:29:43 PM »
Do you have error log to that 500 error?

my log is clean, exept:

Bucharest] PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/oc-includes/osclass/helpers/hSearch.php on line 340

still to lazy to add "@" :)

an the e-mail is not sent from cron check plugin
/home/xxx/public_html/oc-includes/osclass/utils.php(538): PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer->send()
#4 /home/xxxxx/public_html/oc-content/plugins/cron_check_plugin/index.php(218): osc_sendMail(Array)
#5 /home/xxxxx/public_html/oc-includes/osclass/classes/Plugins.php(40): cron_check_plugin_hourly_send_cron_mail()
« Last Edit: December 05, 2020, 08:34:21 PM by Nagy Csaba »


MB Themes

Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2020, 08:34:17 PM »
Does not make sense as error 500 should output something to logs, if logging is enabled.
I have tested on dev & demo sites and it works, so it could be related to some of plugin functions
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots


Nagy Csaba

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Re: Osclass 4.2 release changelog
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2020, 08:36:06 PM »
Does not make sense as error 500 should output something to logs, if logging is enabled.
I have tested on dev & demo sites and it works, so it could be related to some of plugin functions

The plugins are the same nothing changed ...i vill then try to disable one by one and if i fix this i will let you know