Hello everyone . I am disperate . Trying over and over since two three days to install Osclass on my VPS without succeding .The process seems to go on right .I insert all the information it wants to be inserted in the form : the hostname , the database name , user and so forth ....it shows me the second page where i have to choice the admin user name and password i even provide the email address ....but at the end of the procedure it shows me the page with that error : Osclass Error Osclass isn't installed. Need more help?. I have noticed that a message is posted to mail email address that says : Hi web,
Your Osclass installation at
http://fuckmenow.it/ is up and running. You can access the administration panel with these details:
username: admin
password: 0987QAZwsx
but i cannot see my website .I only see the page with that message i mentioned before . An other thing my database is filled with all the tables.
Someone have an idea about how troubleshoot this.