Support Forums - Classified Ads Script Osclass
General osclass questions => General discussion => Topic started by: MB Themes on October 21, 2020, 09:27:41 PM
We would like to share with you that development of osclass 4.2 has started some time ago and is completed on 50% including most of major features.
No detail information will be provided before release, but how would you like feature for rat...? :) No more info yet :)
If you have idea what should be in osclass 4.2, feel free to share it. Keep in mind we collect and consider all your suggestions posted on forums, support tickets, contact form, emails...
We also read every single post on our support forums.
All the feedback and suggestions posted for v4.1 has been taken into account as well.
Open your minds!
user can enable their listing to their Facebook catalog or import their Facebook e commerce product to osclass automatically.
Auto share listing to Facebook page or group as feed , Facebook allow feed from website to page as well
profile picture update feature
user can enable their listing to their Facebook catalog or import their Facebook e commerce product to osclass automatically.
Auto share listing to Facebook page or group as feed , Facebook allow feed from website to page as well
95% of people would not use it that means it should be created via plugin. As far as I know there were 1 or 2 such plugins, but due to fact it took facebook even more than year to validate request, no developer would invest time in that - as every customer would complain
profile picture update feature
This is considered, but as each theme integrates it in different way, it will be bit tuff.
Premium Ads random
One of the thinks is not working very well in current osclass version is the comments to one listing...
When someone make a comment to one listing, the publisher of the listing never know someone leave a new comment because no email was sent to the publisher of the listing, in my oppinion the publisher should receive also one email telling that have a new comment in one listing...
If no email was sent the publisher nerver know about new comment on listings
Best regards
Joao carrolo
Premium Ads random
It would be great if all premium ads could also be shown before standard listings with a premium tag showing that they have paid to be at the top of the listings.
1- A permission management, allowing admin to limit access to team members.
2- A two factor authentication for the admin panel.
3- A better dashboard with widgets (Not sure if it should be implement on admin theme).
4- Right now the "Mail Settings" is a hit or miss. It has never work for me, perhaps we need a "Test connection" button.
5- A better statistics filter.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for feedback, some of your points are already developed (may not be exactly what you wrote), some are in development.
Regarding point 1), I suppose you mean moderators. This is yet just in stars and not quite sure what would be the right way to do that, especailly to allow moderator to access particular page of plugin etc...
@MB Themes
I'm glad most of them were already in development.
Regarding permissions, it would be possible for admin to create custom admin type ex: Customer Support, currently only Admin and moderators are available, what if we wanted to give someone access to moderate comments only, or access to specific plugins such as API.
I will be useful if the site is managed by different team.
That is more-less not compatible with how osclass works now :)
Change the custom field, and add more custom field type...
I think osclass custom fields can be very usefull to create real estate but specially avertising sites for cars, specially for cars where exist allot of car makes, and allot of car models for each make, if i take in account only the cars, trucks and motorcycle, makes and models, this a huge ammouth of custom fields...
Should exist a better a way to create dedicated real state and cars sites...
Forget the free real estate and cars attributes, they are very imited if want to and more options and very outdated.
I can use multilanguage attributes plugin, but i dont know if will support a huge amounth of data.
Best regards
Joao carrolo
Please add the tags for the Google Webmaster Tools
Like hopping paths is off. And the Products Products You must select "offers", "review" or "aggregateRating".
You cannot fix that until you have some rating to be added.
A new function to return how many listings are premium wold be nice :)
Best regards
Joao carrolo
You cannot fix that until you have some rating to be added.
How can I get some evaluation to be added.
It has been discussed many times, check on forums.
Consider activating TinyMCE in the user description and therefore in the add Business Profile
This is also implemented, together with 30 other updates :-*
We also consider changing branch number (4.x) to different (6.x?), as this "branch" (4) is already occupied by friends from Russia and "branch" number 5 seems to be occupied by friends from India, so it might be misleading for you.
Unfortunately, we would need to implement much more features to make it as reasonable move ::)
See also this for fix: After upgrading to 4.1 the message to a friend is sent twice.
What message?
Send to a friend of the ad
I've tried to reproduce with no success
It does not appear here. He goes to "friend" twice. There it seems.
I am not sure what you mean.
I think
multiple mail sending
You can already send multiple mails
I say this: I send once and the recipient receives it twice
There is option saying listing has to expire after xx days . But these option is not connected to anywhere.
Can you make if we select listing has to expire after 90 days. Then each new post ad has to count from 0 to 90 days and expire then.
I think there is plugin for this allready.
Well expiration date on listings works properly
Hi OsclassPoint,
The "Best Fit" was a very good feature.
I noticed that the full image is cropped even when the image is clicked to view in full screen.
The "best fit" is great but should show the complete image when viewed in full screen.
This ensures the complete image is available for whoever needs more information on the item.
(This feature is present on many classified scripts)
Thank you.
If you store original picture (media settings), you may use this one instead of preview.
You can get link to it just by removing _preview or _thumbnail from image URL.
If you store original picture (media settings), you may use this one instead of preview.
You can get link to it just by removing _preview or _thumbnail from image URL.
I tried that. It didn't work.
Complete image still not showing in full screen view.
If you store original picture (media settings), you may use this one instead of preview.
You can get link to it just by removing _preview or _thumbnail from image URL.
It does not mean checking that box will change anything.
1. Image Compression to Thumbnail size maximum 10 to 20 kb
2. ad views count in admin panel
3. combine javascript & css
4. Renew Ads option
5. profile picture option
6. Sitemap create
Thanks for feedback ;)
I say this: I send once and the recipient receives it twice
Sorry, it was my fault. The problem was solved.
Nice to hear that ;)
@mb themes
I have 4. Ideas,
1. To add donate function to the Osclass Project, since you are doing alot of work not paid, good people will donate sometime,
20$ 40$ 60$ or Other,
is a way of thanking you for taking care our business because you are developing the heart.
2. I have seen people taking your themes and selling somewhere else, so try to add 4.2 an screening or scanning theme for keys to validate at the background and redirect the user to the original theme version . block- them
3. warning of a AdBlock, to tell the user that there is an add blocker extension at your browser, sometimes page are blank, and no one knows what is it. people think there is no data in the link.
4. weekly Auto-backup database to Restricted Folder Path. somewhere at OC-admin.
1. Not my piece of cake, donate for us is if customers purchase products, nothing else is needed ;)
2. We know about it, but no restrictions to osclass itself are planned, as it is meant to be open-source
3. I will check if php or jquery can detect it
4. To be honest, good hosting will do it. My hosting keeps daily backup of all files and databases for 30 days and do not count it to my file size. Maybe 10 years ago it would sound interesting, but not right now.
Anyway osclass already have feature to backup database, maybe just use this function in cron
Can we have different admin levels?
I may want to have an admin who can only access data entry, edit or access some or all plugins but not some other backend functions.
This will be great.
Yes ;)
Hi Osclasspoint,
Just like the great update made on the attribute plugin, can we have categories creation from list (dlimited by semicolon) ?
Thank you
Hi Osclasspoint,
Just like the great update made on the attribute plugin, can we have categories creation from list (dlimited by semicolon) ?
Thank you
Well that are 2 differnt worlds. Problem with categories is that you usually do not have it flat, but it is nested...
@mb themes
I saw this PWA (Progressive Web Apps) do you think this functionality will be added on the 4.2
or it's a huge work. ?.
Thanks for feedback, will take a look on it
Hello. Please tell me where to find the Rotate image line for translation?
Please create thread in proper category.
Thank you everyone for great ideas you've shared there.
Development of Osclass 4.2 has been closed and is just in testing & fine-tuning phase.
Please refer to new thread with your feature suggestions:'t-miss/