
MB Themes

Thanks for feedback, all your points are more-less related to themes/plugins.
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1) There must be an option to select all the plug-ins and make them enable and disable that will be very helpful is if we want to crosscheck the error. Sometime we needs to disable plug-ins to check if they are responsible for the particular error then one by one we can enable them and crosscheck exactly which plug-in is creating trouble.

2) Debug log should be enable or disable from the admin area itself we should not go to the file manager to make the amendment and make the debug log enable and disable by commenting the debug log code.

3) We are unable to clear the log file from the admin area that clear log option should be there.



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Consider whether timyMCE can be multilingual. That is, the language that the user selects for the site should display the same language in timyMCE.


MB Themes

Impossible, as tinymce use different language codes.
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@mb themes

January 29, 2021, data-vocabulary.org markup will no longer be eligible for Google rich result features.
i saw that warning somewhere in google,

Structured data
Allow osclass to generate structured data (microdata) for google, facebook, twitter, ... (in general TAB)
i think this is already schema.org markup.


MB Themes

This was already migrated to schema few updates ago.
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New feature:

ADMIN -> Manage listings

Bulk action - RENEW listings



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New feature:

ADMIN -> Edit Item

Change expiration - Date picker - select ( date / time )


MB Themes

New feature:

ADMIN -> Edit Item

Change expiration - Date picker - select ( date / time )

Will check it out if it make sense ;)
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just a suggestion maybe can add phone number tab in OC-admin > user

as for now we only have
Last update   
Last access date

if we can add one more field phone number will be great for admin to track all in one page


MB Themes

Right we could add different fields into user table, but it could bring also more confusion and mess into data so I am not quite sure about phone number yet.
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I noticed that there are so many reported listings marked As Spam or other reports. Every time I clear them from all but again and again it is marked hundreds of listingMarked as Spam every day and I have clear all them manually. So if something can do in that.

Also There should be inbuilt Blog and Business profile management system.

Must have improvement needed in image upload processing. There should be something in which if user is uploading high-quality photo for example he is uploading 10 MB file so that should be without restriction backend or system has to process it to optimise for the best performance it should be compressed automatically without any front-end user restriction. Because nowadays mobile cameras are so much high-tech so OS class should be more intelligent to process the images without interference. The system should down size images automatically.

There should be an option where Admin can decide whether to show the mobile number and website address or email ID in the Title and description area or not. This will be very beneficial.

Also admin should have full control on user account to allow how many free ads allowed in a Particular time. I know Payment plugin can control all this but that should me more easy to configure.

Social media Login is also not working Properly. Even after installing the plugin option is not coming at Reg or Login Window.

Most Important All the Catagories should be Pre-installed when we install the OC Framework.  Because this is very difficult to create the categories and subcategories. That should be universal for everyone because it is time consuming to also required lot of research so that should be preloaded along with the software application. Please work out on this.

One More Innovative IDEA There should be a video pre-roll play back for the promotional purpose. I saw that plug-in long time back so I searched the entire internet but nowhere found this that was very amazing feature that you can incorporate to the OS class that can be merge with YouTube video display plug-in or Some other way but that will be very awesome feature.

Is it possible if there is an option on one click the add can be shared to all available social media platforms in just one go. At the time of Ad publishing there should be check box which decide to share Ad on all connected social media platform of the USER.

Also there should be some marketing tricks. We can do some real-time promotion of the website. There should be some inbuilt Mailer option.

Email templates should be more functional and more realistic. There should be some graphical design preloaded templates required in which admin can make the amendment according to their brand. There should be the footer area which will be taken from the website footer area.  In settings there is a email template option which shows send the email hourly weekly and on monthly basis but practically it is Not functioning properly and sending emails to the users to get them engage with the website. That should be more precise.


MB Themes

Thanks for feedback  ;)
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Please tell me how to correctly enter the exclusion of the "item-post.php, user-public-profile.php, user-items.php" pages in Optimization > JS Exclude pages.
I tried it in different ways, it didn't work. Thanks.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 05:35:46 PM by Andrey »


MB Themes

There is no integration into theme
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