hi, three question, at the moment I use the veronika theme:
1) at the moment when a user registers on the site he can choose between "user and company" I would like to remove this option both in the registration phase and in the modification of the user's personal profile ... in practice I would simply like that when a user is register on the site is automatically classified as a "user" and that the qualification of "company" can only be attributed by me via the administration panel, is it a complicated thing to do?
2) in the section of my ads (where the user views the ads published by him and can decide whether to edit them, delete them, etc.), at the moment if there are more than a certain number of ads, various pages are created based on their number, as long as a user it has few ads this can also be fine, but if a user (in the case of a shop for example) should have many ads (random number 100 or more) looking for the ad to be modified would be complicated, so I was wondering on the page "my ads" is it possible to insert a "search" that just searches only the ads of that user through a keyword or to the selection of the category? tell me it's possible XD
3) this question concerns the business profile plugin, I take this opportunity and I propose it here, in the profile page of the business store, the user can search for the seller's items or by turning the pages, or by selecting the category or city in the drop-down menu, it is possible enter a keyword search? where just looking for a specific word brings up the ads only of that seller who have that keyword?