Hi everyone! there is a small error in the text under the username, where it says the number of active ads, as it is not updated. For example, I have a user with 4 ads, and one of them expires, the user renews it, but after that, instead of saying "4 active ads" it says "5 active ads". I don't understand what the problem is.
I checked the users table and verified that the number in the "i_items" field in the database is incorrect, as it says "5". I assumed it was a bug with the cron, so I disabled the automatic cron from osclass and set it up on my hosting with the command "wget https://website.com/index.php?page=cron -O /dev/null" every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every weekday. Then I forced the expiration of an ad. Even when the ad expired the user's ad counter did not decrease, and when renewing the ad, the counter increased. I don't know what the problem could be.