Hello community,
I am willing to buy either Gamma Theme, either Epsilon, either both of them, if can't find my answers.
I am willing to know if both of them comes with a back-office property to maximize and center the search bar as on OLX website.
For the Gamma one, I am also willing to know if there is an option to maximize and center the search bar and remove the background search image.
I see that for the Gamma theme someone added 13 categories which oversizes the screen on PC and the site becomes "unresponsive", instead of going under or scrollable, as on phone, what I mean is that the categories goes out of the screen range on PC/laptop (see the attachment).
Another of my issues: Does all the plugins are 100% compatible with all the themes? As I am willing to buy everything.
I would greatly appreciate your answers.
Also if possible for someone to share with me both websites, even if personal or not, does not matters, that would be reat.
Some pros and cons between Epsilon and Gamma would be also very useful to me.
Other opinions on other themes are also welcome.