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Search options for OSCLASS
« on: October 26, 2020, 05:12:27 AM »

Can we have an option in a future OSCLASS to add an option to search for the all words required in the search bar by default. This would be great in the Admin settings.

Many users will just type location and search the term in the search box. At the moment the search results show all ads for that location and all ads that contain that search term, instead of just the ads that contain both the location and the search term in the ad.

Now that GEO location (longitude & latitude) is included in the new location databases. It would be great if a future theme had the search bar in the format [search term] [location] [max distance] , with the location auto populated as you start typing.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2020, 05:14:56 AM by webcity »