Background: We have a small hobby club of some 100 members. I maintain the club's website, with a 'Members Only' section, which requires an email address and password to access.
In addition, I have installed osclass v8.2.1, using Sigma Osclass Theme for the front office and Omega Admin Theme for backoffice.
I'm trying to figure out how to automatically login to osclass, using the same credentials which the member used to login to the Members Only area.
I wrote a small script which takes the Member's email address to 'lookup' the 'user' records in the osclass database. The script runs successfully, and it can retrieve any of the fields associated with that user.
Now, knowing that this member has an osclass account, I would like to be able to pass the Member's email address and password to 'auto login' to osclass. I can create SESSIONS to pass these two variables, but I would like to know to where, or in what format, to pass these two fields.
Ultimately, if the Member does not have an account registered, then I like to develop my script further, to use his/her credentials 'auto-register' an account on their behalf, but I need to work out the first issue first.
Any enlightenment would be appreciated.