Error code means you are trying to add records for those foreign key (parent) does not exists.
This is from importing of :
oc-content/languages/' . osc_current_admin_locale() . '/mail.sql
You will have to look into database and find out where it was stopped.
You could also get description.
In oc-includes/osclass/install-functions.php find (there can be multiple instances):
$error_num = $comm->getErrorLevel();
edit to:
$error_num = $comm->getErrorLevel();
$error_desc = $comm->getErrorDesc();
and then:
return array ( 'error' => sprintf( __( "Can't insert basic configuration. Error number: %s" ) , $error_num ) );
return array ( 'error' => sprintf( __( "Can't insert basic configuration. Error number: %s" ) , $error_num . ' - ' . $error_desc ) );
Maybe it will tell what was the issue