Support Forums - Classified Ads Script Osclass
Osclass theme support => Free themes => Patricia Osclass Responsive Theme => Topic started by: BabyDunk on June 16, 2016, 12:26:46 AM
hello frosticek :)
i dont know if i have asked you this before. but is their a simple way of changing the displayed name on search_list.php to display username .
i have tried this <a href="<?php echo osc_user_public_profile_url(osc_item_user_id()); ?>"><?php echo osc_user_username(); ?></a>
with changing the echo to the username helper . but it doesnt work, not like it does for item.php. works 100% there.
its abit pointless trying to hide publisher name on all other parts to the sites and not this .
thanks for the help/advice
Please check osclass docs before using some function: (
You should use function:
osc_item_contact_name(); //Gets contact name of current item
Good morning Frosticek, i hope your well :)
this function just returns users real name
osc_item_contact_name(); //Gets contact name of current item
is their no way to echo the username. for search_list.php
is this an osclass issue ?
if it is do you not think its pointless that osclass has incorporated username's into the platform but yet cant be called on all the places where the username function is needed.
As far as I know, username is not used in osclass and usually is same as user id.
Yes that would be correct,you would change the user id to username and this is promoted by osclass. just have to check the default theme bender. in the account settings . change username option. its abit silly not being able to use this function globally.
can it be done. is my question? lol
if you need paid for such a thing. i dont mind i would gladly pay to get to have username displayed :)
if it cant be done . the only thing would be to remove the code that displays "published by" on the search_list.php
All The Best
I think there is different usage of this field...
lol @ Frosticek
you still havent answer the question.
can you make username display on search_list.php?
is it even possible ?
if you say its not possible i will trust your word and forget about chasing this.
Many thanks
Yes it is possible.
$user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( $user_id );
echo $user['s_username'];
Hi Forsticek
i am trying to use want you sent in your last message but not correctly .
function osc_username_now(){
$user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( $user_id );
echo $user['s_username'];
then call it like this
<?php if(osc_item_user_id() <> 0) {; ?>
<a href="<?php echo osc_user_public_profile_url(osc_item_user_id()); ?>"><?php echo osc_username_now();
am i any way close? lol
i can sort of read through the code and understand it a little. $user is equal to user new instance which is greater than findbyprimarykey of user_id
i think thats how that reads lol
still trying to learn how it all goes together.
just looking some pointers
You are missing argument in function, or relation to osclass function try this:
function osc_username_now(){
if( osc_item_user_id() <> 0 && osc_item_user_id() <> '') {
$user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( osc_item_user_id() );
return $user['s_username'];
} else {
return false;
Good Morning Frosticek :D
yes that works 100% thank you.
i will study that an try to understand it :D
i just have one more place that needs the username hide (printpdf) and i think that function might just do the job there also
thanks again
Chris ;)
Worked 100% for the printpdf also :D
Happy Bunny :D
Perfect ;)
i had a little bit of trouble. the function works 100% but i was placing the function in the patricia/search_list.php andto have username displayed in the printpdf i was placing the function also in printpdf/index.php :(
i didnt realise i had a problem until i check the search list page and seen it was broke.
i now know, you cant have the same function running in 2 seperate places :-\ lol error " Cannot redeclare "
so i placed the function in the patricia/functions.php
deleted all other occurrences
then i had to place this inside /printpdf/template.php
both search list and printpdf are now working with no errors :D
i am doing some learning this weather lol
You cannot define same function twice. You should define it in 1 file only, i.e. functions.php