nothing Michal not the message (you're sure....ecc) but directly your account was deleted successfully!
I have chrome
I have tried it with firefox
can you give it a try? translation it made directly to the file that you see after (Delete account vs Elimina account)
it's a problem only with backoffice manager plugin (index.php)
/* ------------------------------ User account delete link --------------------------------------*/
function bo_delete_user() {
$allow_delete = osc_get_preference('bo_mgr_allow_delete_user_account', 'plugin-bo_mgr') <> '' ? osc_get_preference('bo_mgr_allow_delete_user_account', 'plugin-bo_mgr') : 1;
if($allow_delete == 1) {
$user_id = osc_logged_user_id();
$user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( $user_id );
echo '<li class="opt_del_user" onclick="return confirm(\'' .__('Are you sure you want to delete your account? \nNote that all your listings will be deleted too! \n\nWould you like to continue', 'backoffice_manager') . '?\')"><a href="' . osc_base_url() . 'oc-content/plugins/backoffice_manager/delete_user.php?user_id=' . $user_id . '&secret=' . $user['s_secret'] . '">
Delete account</a></li>';
osc_add_hook('user_menu', 'bo_delete_user');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
[attachment deleted by admin]