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Patricia theme - raport about some issues
« on: January 09, 2016, 03:53:46 PM »
Hi mb-themes.

I have purchased some plugins and Patricia theme for OSCLASS from you. In general it is very well designed theme.

But it suffer with some minor problems. Please provide support to those problems.
This is clean install of latest OSCLASS 3.5.9 and Patricia 1.1.5.

Please see attached file for details.

1) The error messages and information displayed at the top of the page has X closing button off place. It appears much below the message bar instead right to it.

2a) On listing page, contact seller form: text area  for the code is in wrong place

2b) The label for CLEAR button can't be translated. Phraze 'clean' does not appear in any language file (theme, core, messages, etc). Please tell where to translate it.

3) The font used for related listings header on item page is not same as the other headers. Word 'RELATED' is bolder and word 'LISTINGS' font size is different too.

4) Again, translation issue. Phrases 'Share' and 'Print item' on listing page doesn't exist in language files. Same with the generated ready to print pdf sheet. All phrases there as Print Now!, Published, Address, Description... are not in language files and must be hardcoded somewhere... Please tell where to translate those phrases.

5) This is not a design issue but only improvement proposal. The QR code is in wrong place. Left column makes it located 'outside of the item area'. It is not intuitive. Its hard to recognize that it is a part of the item description. The code size is about 10-15% too small. Many devices incl Xperia Z5 has problems reading this QR. Also the corner of the mobile phone picture from the banner below the QR is just too close for problem-free scanning.
My proposal is to shift the QR code to middle colum. This will place the code in more obvious place (it will be clear that the QR is a part of item description) and will allow to for a code in bigger size.

There is one more issue but I am not sure if it is theme or core related. When an anonymous user placing his order, there is no any message shown at the end. So user doesn't know if his listings is added successfuly or not. And also user doesn't know that he need to confirm newly added listing via confirmation message received to his email address.

[attachment deleted by admin]


MB Themes

Re: Patricia theme - raport about some issues
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2016, 04:27:31 PM »
Thanks for your report.
We will check the issues.

Can you tell me what browser did you used?

Print PDF plugin is not delivered with theme.
Other plugins are delivered in original state as can be downloaded from market, if there is problem, you need to fix it by yourself, we deliver only design for those plugins.
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots



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Re: Patricia theme - raport about some issues
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2016, 04:58:21 PM »
Thanks for prompt reply.
Yes, very good question. I have checked it again.

Issue 1) and 2a) are related to Firefox browser.
The top message's closing X button and the code input area on contact form are in its right place when using Chrome.
I dont use Opera so its up to you to check it.

There is also some isue with 'Watchlist' plugin so I will post about it in a few minutes.


MB Themes

Re: Patricia theme - raport about some issues
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2016, 03:51:16 PM »
1) tested in chrome & firefox, could not replicate
2a) tested in chrome & firefox, could not replicate, but added some code that should make sure it will be in correct position
2b) regenerated translation file, should be ok now
3) it is correct
4) word "Share" fixed, Print Ad plugin fixed, we do not deliver print pdf plugin anymore (but still can be used).
5) We do not plan to move it, you can find and move it in file:

Code: [Select]
<?php show_qrcode(); ?>
We will release update today eveneing.
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots



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Re: Patricia theme - raport about some issues
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2016, 04:06:45 PM »
Very good support. Thanks!


MB Themes

Re: Patricia theme - raport about some issues
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2016, 04:12:05 PM »
Update is already ready to download.
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots