From Robokassa module:
Setup highlighting
Need small modifictions of theme files. Need add 2 id with functions in search files. In themes usualy this is search-list.php and search-gallery.php or loop-single.php, loop-single-premium.php
For premium items id="<?php if(function_exists('rbc_premium_get_class_color')){echo rbc_premium_get_class_color(osc_premium_id());}?>" .
For items id="<?php if(function_exists('rbc_get_class_color')){echo rbc_get_class_color(osc_item_id());}?>"
Example, the template Bender:
File loop-single.php - 2-line :
<li class = "listing-card <?php echo $class; if(osc_item_is_premium()){echo'premium';}?>" id="<?php if(function_exists('rbc_get_class_color')){echo rbc_get_class_color(osc_item_id());}?>">
File loop-single-premium.php :
<li class = "listing-card <?php echo $class; if(osc_item_is_premium()){echo'premium';}?>" id="<?php if(function_exists('rbc_premium_get_class_color')){echo rbc_premium_get_class_color(osc_premium_id());}?>">
and add the main.css #colorized{background:#F0E68C!important;} . Color of course you can change as you need.
original search-list.php code:
<div class="middle">
<?php if(osc_item_is_premium()) { ?>
<div class="flag"><?php _e('top', 'patricia'); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
so, if i make so:
<div class="middle">
<?php if(osc_item_is_premium()) { ?>" id="<?php if(function_exists('rbc_get_class_color')){echo rbc_get_class_color(osc_item_id());}?>
<div class="flag"><?php _e('top', 'patricia'); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
i can see only this: =((
is it instruction for standart template ?